Naomi Fowler

Creative Strategist and podcaster

Short bio

Naomi is the Tax Justice Network's creative strategist and podcaster. She produces and presents the Taxcast, the Tax Justice Network's monthly podcast. She also directs the Tax Justice Network's monthly podcasts in Spanish - Justicia ImPositiva, Arabic - الجباية ببساطة French - Impôts et Justice Sociale and Portuguese - É da sua conta. She also hosts and co-produces the weekly podcast series The Corruption Diaries. She produced programming for broadcasters around the world for 15 years, was Programme Director at a radio station in Latin America and has lived and worked in various countries. She's currently based between London and Sicily.

Author’s contribution.
Flags of Countries in front of the United Nations Office at Geneva

🔴Live: UN tax negotiations

By Tax Justice Network ■ 25 April 2024 ■ 23 min READ

New Tax Justice Network podcast website launched!

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 January 2024 ■ 3 min READ

People power: the Tax Justice Network January 2024 podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 January 2024 ■ 20 min READ

The Corruption Diaries: our new weekly podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 January 2024 ■ 2 min READ

ESCOLA DE HERÓIS TRIBUTÁRIOS #56: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 December 2023 ■ 2 min READ

Overturning a 100 year legacy: the UN tax vote on the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 December 2023 ■ 31 min READ

La victoria de Milei y su repercusión: December 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 December 2023 ■ < 1

Criminosos na Amazônia lavam dinheiro nos EUA: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #55

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 December 2023 ■ 2 min READ

The People vs Microsoft: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 November 2023 ■ 23 min READ

Drug War Myths, part 2: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 October 2023 ■ 20 min READ

Contaminou mais? Paga mais! The Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #53

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 September 2023 ■ 2 min READ

Drug War Myths, part 1: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 September 2023 ■ 17 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #69: كيف نهب رياض سلامة أموال اللبنانيّين؟

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 September 2023 ■ < 1

Convenção na ONU pode conter $480 bi de abusos fiscais #52: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 September 2023 ■ 3 min READ

Plus que jamais, l’Afrique a besoin d’un système fiscal mondial négocié à l’ONU. The Tax Justice Network French podcast #52

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 August 2023 ■ < 1

La cumbre fiscal latinoamericana: August 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 August 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #68: نهب ثروات، هجرة وإنقلابات: هل استقلت إفريقيا فعليا؟

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 August 2023 ■ < 1

Who owns the climate crisis? The Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 July 2023 ■ 21 min READ

Investimentos justos, economias melhores #51: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 July 2023 ■ 3 min READ

Los 10 mitos sobre los impuestos: July 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 July 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #67: “الشعب يريد طعاما والسلطة تشتري أفيالا”

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 July 2023 ■ < 1

Transparence dans le secteur extractif: Madagascar y croit! The Tax Justice Network French podcast #51

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 July 2023 ■ < 1

Spoiled pets and private jets: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 June 2023 ■ 23 min READ

As armadilhas das criptomoedas #50: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 June 2023 ■ 2 min READ

Los dueños reales: June 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 June 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #66: الضريبة الموحدة على الشركات والفرص الضائعة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 June 2023 ■ < 1

Pacto fiscal pode reduzir desigualdades na América Latina #49: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 June 2023 ■ 2 min READ

Monopolies and market power: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 May 2023 ■ 23 min READ

Cómo América Latina financia el déficit EE.UU: May 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 May 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #65: كيف إستحوذ الصندوق السيادي السعودي على مجموعة مستشفيات كليوباترا

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 May 2023 ■ < 1

Tax saves lives: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 May 2023 ■ 20 min READ

Como aumentar arrecadação sem aumentar impostos? The Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #48

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 April 2023 ■ 3 min READ

El sistema bancario mundial, ¿otra vez en la cuerda floja? Our April 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 April 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #64: تونس: المغسلة القبرصيّة في خدمة المتهرّبين من الضرائب

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 April 2023 ■ < 1

Quelle transparence pour la déclaration des bénéficiaires effectifs en Afrique? The Tax Justice Network French podcast #48

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 April 2023 ■ < 1

Mulheres exaustas: a culpa é dos super ricos #47: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 March 2023 ■ 3 min READ

Narcobanqueros, la reforma impositiva Colombiana, moneda alternativa: March 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 March 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #63: السودان: سياسة الولاءات وتركيز الثروات عبر الضرائب

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 March 2023 ■ < 1

VIDEO: Tax Blacklists and Propaganda: Defeating the Discrimination and Pro-Poverty Agenda

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 March 2023 ■ < 1

Como extrair minérios sem extrair vidas: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 March 2023 ■ 3 min READ

Exploitation minière et transition énergétique en Afrique: Leçons de l’Alternative Mining Indaba 2023 #47: the Tax Justice Network French podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 March 2023 ■ < 1

Organised crime and financial secrecy: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 February 2023 ■ 21 min READ

América Latina cambia en medio de la turbulencia mundial: February 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 February 2023 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #62: بولط تونس: تسريب معطيات نحو تل أبيب، تهرّب ضريبي وجرائم أخرى

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 February 2023 ■ < 1

The Making of Tax Haven Mauritius: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 February 2023 ■ 21 min READ

Colômbia: esperança de justiça para todes #45:the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 January 2023 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #61: الفاتورة الإلكترونية بين رفض المهنيين وإصرار مصلحة الضرائب

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 January 2023 ■ < 1

Remunicipalización: el poder municipal: January 2023 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 January 2023 ■ < 1

Heróis invisíveis e em extinção #44: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 December 2022 ■ 3 min READ

Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Pas de Justice Fiscale sans une vraie justice climatique #46

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 December 2022 ■ 2 min READ
Nigerian delegate Hashimu Gisau Abubakar proposing UN resolution Nov22

The day global power shifted: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 December 2022 ■ 20 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #60: كأس العالم: الجانب المُظلم من قطر

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 December 2022 ■ < 1

Hoja de ruta para un cambio en toda América Latina: December 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 December 2022 ■ < 1

Copa do Mundo das injustiças #43: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 November 2022 ■ 3 min READ

Uncommon Wealth and the ‘boomerang effect’: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast:

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 November 2022 ■ 23 min READ

Elecciones brasileñas, fraude fiscal en Argentina, seguridad alimentaria Boliviana y la reforma tributaria en la ONU: November 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 November 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #59: إنهيار التعليم: التسونامي القادم في مصر

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 November 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: L’accord fiscal international est loin de faire l’unanimité et les attentes des pays en développement ne sont pas toujours pris en compte #45

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 November 2022 ■ 2 min READ

Doações milionárias à campanhas prejudicam democracia: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 October 2022 ■ 3 min READ

Education rights and tax justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 October 2022 ■ 15 min READ

Educación, derechización, inflación y justicia fiscal: October 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 October 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #58: بين العدالة الضريبية والإنفاق على التعليم

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 October 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: L’urgence d’une solution efficace pour les cryptoactifs #44

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 October 2022 ■ < 1

Educação + impostos = vidas transformadas: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 September 2022 ■ 3 min READ

Tax and racial justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 September 2022 ■ 16 min READ

Tax as a tool for racial justice: new report launched

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 September 2022 ■ 3 min READ

September 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: La constitución Chilena, Crimen Organizado, el nuevo contexto global de EE UU

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 September 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #57: أزمة الديون المصرية والخصخصة المتسرعة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 September 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: La justice fiscale s’impose, même dans le cadre de l’Aide Publique au Développement #43

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 September 2022 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

CARF permite sonegações bilionárias no Brasil #40: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 August 2022 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #56: ملخص لحلقات ٢٠٢٢

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 August 2022 ■ < 1

August 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Gustavo Petro y el nuevo equilibrio geopolítico mundial

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 August 2022 ■ < 1
A silver microphone on a desk


By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 August 2022 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

REGRAS DE TRIBUTAÇÃO GLOBAL DEVEM SER DECIDIDAS NA ONU #39: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 July 2022 ■ 2 min READ

Crooked Crook Ltd: company registration scandals on the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 July 2022 ■ 17 min READ

July 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los desafíos que enfrenta Gustavo Petro en Colombia

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 July 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #55: مؤتمر المناخ والعدالة المناخية في مصر

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 July 2022 ■ < 1


By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 July 2022 ■ < 1

Amazon’s tax challenge: the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 June 2022 ■ 18 min READ

Registro global de ativos pode acabar com sigilo financeiro: the Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 June 2022 ■ 3 min READ

June 2022 Spanish language tax justice podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los grandes ganadores

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 June 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #54: كارتيل البنوك في تونس: أثرياء الحرب في زمن البؤس

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 June 2022 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Lancement en Afrique de l’Indice d’Opacité Financière 2022: L’urgence d’un système fiscal international sous l’égide des Nations Unies #40

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 June 2022 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: EUA: maiores facilitadores de corrupção global #37

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 May 2022 ■ 3 min READ

The Financial Secrecy Index 2022 in the Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 May 2022 ■ 18 min READ ■ 1 comments

May 2022 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Estados Unidos: destino preferido de la corrupción

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 May 2022 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Financement de l’Education: Quel justice fiscale pour l’Afrique?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 May 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #53: الإعلان عن إفلاس لبنان: أين الحقيقة؟

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 May 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: Como se livrar da maldição do petróleo? #36

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 April 2022 ■ 2 min READ

NonDoms unmasked: the Tax Justice Network podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 April 2022 ■ 22 min READ

April 2022 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Que paguen la deuda los que la fugaron

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 April 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #52: قرض صندق النقد لمصر: هل من بديل؟

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 April 2022 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Prix des transferts, Accord Fiscal International: Pourquoi les choses doivent changer pour l’Afrique? #38

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 April 2022 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: Sanções a oligarcas exigem fim de sigilo fiscal #35

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 March 2022 ■ 2 min READ

Butler Britain: the Tax Justice Network podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 March 2022 ■ 20 min READ

March 2022 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Nuevo gobierno Chileno y la política tributaria

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 March 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #51: ترقب بعد تعديلات قانون الإيجار الشائك في مصر

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 March 2022 ■ < 1

Ukraine, Russia: the finance curse and the resource curse go hand in hand with financial secrecy

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 March 2022 ■ 4 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Les 4 Rs de la justice fiscale pour financer l’adaptation aux changements climatiques en Afrique

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2022 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: SOMOS TODES UBERIZADES #34

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 February 2022 ■ 2 min READ

Stolen dreams: the Tax Justice Network podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 February 2022 ■ 14 min READ

In honour of a tax collector taken from us, in the line of duty

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 February 2022 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

February 2022 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Un mundo sin paraísos fiscales…

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 February 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #50: بين العدالة الضريبية و العدالة في توزيع اللقاحات

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 February 2022 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Mali – l’exigence de la justice sociale au-delà des sanctions et de la junte #36

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 February 2022 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: Herois invisíveis, o desafio global #33

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 January 2022 ■ 2 min READ

2022, Hopes and Fears: the Tax Justice Network podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 January 2022 ■ 18 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #49: تونس: قانون الإقتراض المُقنّع

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 January 2022 ■ < 1

January 2022 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: La economía mundial en 2022 y la piratería marítima de los paraísos fiscales

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 January 2022 ■ < 1

Jersey’s Pandora’s Boxes: the Tax Justice Network podcast, December 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 December 2021 ■ 12 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: Auditores fiscais: heróis invisíveis

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 December 2021 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #48: الجباية ببساطة #48 ماذا تبقى من مشروع طلعت حرب؟

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 December 2021 ■ < 1

December 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los papeles de Pandora, el fraude fiscal, los bancos y la pandemia

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 December 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast: UM RETRATO ASSOMBROSO DO ABUSO FISCAL #31

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 December 2021 ■ 3 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Avec 17,1 milliards $ de pertes fiscales, l’Afrique a manqué l’opportunité de vacciner 82% de ses 1,2 milliards d’habitants: Edition Spéciale

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 December 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Haven Ireland: the Tax Justice Network podcast, November 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 November 2021 ■ 3 min READ

November 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Breve historia de los paraísos fiscales #65

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 November 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #47: السودان: حلول عسكرية لأزمات إقتصادية و إجتماعية

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 November 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Conférence Panafricaine sur les FFI : La Société Civile invite à la prudence sur l’Accord Fiscal de l’OCDE #33

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 November 2021 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #30 Pandora Papers provam a podridão do sistema financeiro

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 October 2021 ■ 2 min READ

Rethinking economies: the Tax Justice Network podcast, October 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 October 2021 ■ 2 min READ

October 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los Pandora Papers, el Bitcoin en El Salvador y crisis de la inmobiliaria en China #64

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 October 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #46: ضريبة تثير جدلا لدى صانعي المحتوى الرقمي في مصر

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 October 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Afrique: Plus de transparence entre administrations fiscales pour lutter contre les flux financiers illicites #32

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 October 2021 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #29: Fim à tributação que penaliza os mais pobres

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 September 2021 ■ 2 min READ

Degrowth: liberation from ‘growthism’: the Tax Justice Network podcast, September 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 September 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network September 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los litigios entre multinacionales y los estados, tráfico de drogas, litio #63

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 September 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast: الجباية ببساطة #45 – لبنان ما بعد الإفلاس

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 September 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Accord fiscal international G20/OCDE : L’Afrique a été peu entendue #31

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 September 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #28: O PRIVILÉGIO TRIBUTÁRIO É BRANCO

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 August 2021 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network August 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Nuevo impuesto corporativo: estrategia de los países en desarrollo #62

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 August 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Pour une dette responsable et une meilleure gestion des fonds Covid en Afrique: Edition 30

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 August 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition #44: تونس: مقايضة الصحة بالإقتصاد

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 August 2021 ■ < 1

Public inquiry says Maltese State is ‘responsible for Daphne Caruana Galizia’s death’

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 July 2021 ■ 4 min READ

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #27: Imposto de renda

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 July 2021 ■ 2 min READ

The capture of Malta and the fight for justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, July 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 July 2021 ■ < 1

Podcast: The Whiteness of Wealth: Professor Dorothy Brown’s keynote speech

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 July 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network July 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Nuevo impuesto corporativo: estrategia de los países en desarrollo #61

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 July 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition #43: هل يحمي الحد الأدنى للأجور المصريين من التضخم؟

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 July 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Le digital peut être au service de la Justice fiscale, mais des défis demeurent, Edition 29

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 July 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #26: VACINAR O MUNDO TODO É POSSÍVEL

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 June 2021 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network June 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Impuesto mínimo global a las corporaciones #60

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 June 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: Colleter les ressources et les redistribuer: De enjeux nouveaux pour la justice fiscale #28

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 June 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition #42: الجباية ببساطة #42 : هل يمكن فرض ضريبة على الشركات العالمية للمحتوى الرقمي في العالم العربي

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 June 2021 ■ < 1

The Real American Dream – in Scandinavia: the Tax Justice Network podcast, May 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 May 2021 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #25: Plano Biden reacende debate de um imposto global

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 May 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network May 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Histórica huelga en Colombia, mínima tasa global #59

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 May 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition #41: الجباية ببساطة #41 – الضريبة على الأرباح الرأسمالية وتوزيعات الأرباح تثير جدلا في مصر

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 May 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: 63% des dépenses budgétaires contre la Covid-19 ont bénéficié à de riches entreprises #27

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 May 2021 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #24: Menos abuso fiscal = menos fome

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 April 2021 ■ 2 min READ

Podcast: Hong Kong raises its stock transfer tax as Wall St escapes (for now…)

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 April 2021 ■ < 1

From an un-caring economy to a caring economy: the Tax Justice Network podcast, April 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 April 2021 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network April 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Biden, FMI y paraisos fiscales #58

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 April 2021 ■ < 1

Podcast: ‘The Whiteness of Wealth,’ a conversation with Professor Dorothy Brown

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 April 2021 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition #40: الجباية ببساطة #40 – الإمارات في تصنيف عشر أكثر دول تشجيع على التجاوزات الضريبية للشركات

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 April 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: En République Démocratique du Congo: les exonérations fiscales privent les populations des services essentiels #26

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 April 2021 ■ < 1

How economics ruins economies: the Tax Justice Network podcast, March 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 March 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #23: Por que mulheres são mais tributadas que os homens?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 March 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network March 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los países que más facilitan el abuso tributario corporativo #57

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 March 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition 39: الجباية ببساطة #٣٩- العدالة الضريبية وتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s French podcast: L’idée d’un système fiscal international désormais acquise au niveau des Nations Unies #25

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2021 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #22: América Latina perde US$ 43 bi por ano; valor dá pra vacinar toda região

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 February 2021 ■ 2 min READ

Casino Capitalism and a just transition: the Tax Justice Network podcast, February 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 February 2021 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network February 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Nueva ley, nueva constitución, nuevo mundo #56

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 February 2021 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast, edition 38: الجباية ببساطة #٣٨ – عندما يتقاضى المعلم دون الأجر الأدنى في الأردن

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 February 2021 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: Malgré la Covid-19, les injustices sociales et fiscales ont persisté, #24

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 February 2021 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #21: Taxar super-ricos JÁ!

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 January 2021 ■ 2 min READ

How we win: the Tax Justice Network podcast, January 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 January 2021 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network January 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: impuesto a la riqueza

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 January 2021 ■ < 1

Taxing Wall Street: the Tax Justice Network December 2020 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 December 2020 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #20: O Estado da Justiça Fiscal 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 December 2020 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network December 2020 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Las cuentas fiscales del mundo

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 December 2020 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #19: Carrefour e Pão de Açúcar: abusos em nome do lucro

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 November 2020 ■ 2 min READ

How secrecy kills: the Beirut explosion in the Tax Justice Network November 2020 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 November 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 35 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast: الجباية ببساطة #٣٥ – آل سعود في قائمة العائلات الأغنى في العالم وتحسّن لمصر في مؤشر العدالة الضريبية

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 November 2020 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: Leonce Ndikumana: “L’OCDE doit aller vite dans les réformes de la fiscalité internationale,” édition 21

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 November 2020 ■ < 1

A reparational justice journey: the Tax Justice Network podcast, October 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 October 2020 ■ 3 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #18: Quem tem medo da tributação sobre transações financeiras?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 October 2020 ■ < 1

VIDEO: Winning the Fight for Tax Justice – how do we make multinationals pay?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 October 2020 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: Dinero sucio y los más grandes bancos del mundo #52

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 October 2020 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: Contrats miniers: L’opacité domine encore, édition 20

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 October 2020 ■ < 1
A silver microphone on a desk

‘Competition’ is killing us: the Tax Justice Network podcast, September 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 September 2020 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #17: É hora de Facebook, Amazon e Google pagarem o justo de impostos

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 September 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 33 and 34 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #33 #34 الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 September 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: Deuda, coronavirus, renegociación #51

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 September 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 32 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast #32 الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 September 2020 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: $31,5 milliards: La lourde facture des Flux Financiers Illicites en matière commerciale au Cameroun, édition 19

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 September 2020 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #16: Sem democracia não há justiça fiscal

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 August 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: Nuevo orden internacional y Coronavirus

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 August 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 31 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast #31 الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 August 2020 ■ 2 min READ ■ 2 comments

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: Propriété réelle en Afrique, L’OCDE qui bouge, l’Affaire Dan Gertler en RDC édition 18

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 July 2020 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #15: Instrumentos para financiar a superação da coronacrise

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 July 2020 ■ < 1

Systemic racism and tax justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, July 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 July 2020 ■ 3 min READ

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: ¿Cómo salir de la crisis económica y sanitaria mundial?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 July 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 30 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast #30 الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 July 2020 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: Un nouvel outil pour traquer la vulnérabilité aux flux financier Illicites, édition 17

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 July 2020 ■ < 1

Systemic racism, reparations and tax justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, June 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 June 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #14: De onde virá o dinheiro para salvar vidas?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 June 2020 ■ < 1

Seeking a tax justice podcast commentator and consultant in Arabic

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 June 2020 ■ 2 min READ

The Reboot #2: how to pay for the pandemic (video)

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 June 2020 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: Los ganadores de la pandemia

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 June 2020 ■ < 1

Britain’s Slave Owner Compensation Loan, reparations and tax havenry

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 June 2020 ■ 14 min READ ■ 29 comments

The Reboot: new Tax Justice Network video series

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 June 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 29 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast #29 الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 June 2020 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

The Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: édition 16: Des chefs d’Etats Africains en appellent à une solidarité plus juste dans le monde

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 May 2020 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #13: Pandemia: como acertar no socorro às empresas?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 May 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Tax collection, a labour of love: the Tax Justice Network podcast, May 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 May 2020 ■ 3 min READ

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: El coronavirus: ¿quién va a pagar?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 May 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 15 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: édition 15 de podcast Francophone: L’aide hypocrite du G20 à l’Afrique face au Coronavirus

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 May 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 28 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast #28 الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 April 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Portuguese podcast #12: Uma nova economia pós-coronavírus

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 April 2020 ■ 2 min READ
City of London skyline

A “world fit for money laundering” must end in the post Covid-19 era

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 April 2020 ■ 3 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Healthy economies: the Tax Justice Network podcast, April 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 April 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: La lucha contra el Coronavirus

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 April 2020 ■ 2 min READ

My billionaire bosses funnelled money offshore for years. Now they want a bailout

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 April 2020 ■ 3 min READ ■ 2 comments

Edition 27 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 27# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 April 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 14 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: édition 14 de podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 April 2020 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice March 2020 Portuguese podcast #11: Luanda Leaks: a cumplicidade dos parasitas do norte global

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 March 2020 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Climate crisis, transition and tax justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, March 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 March 2020 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Tax Justice Network Spanish language monthly podcast: ¿Quienes son los más responsables del secreto financiero mundial?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 March 2020 ■ < 1

Malta, murder and the finance curse: a podcast recommendation

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 March 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 13 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast: édition 13 de podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 March 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 26 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 26# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2020 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice February 2020 Portuguese podcast #10: Ilhas Cayman é o pior ofensor global, mostra Índice de Sigilo Financeiro 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 February 2020 ■ < 1
A silver microphone on a desk

Financial Secrecy Index: who are the world’s worst offenders? The Tax Justice Network podcast special, February 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 February 2020 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s February 2020 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, febrero 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 February 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 12 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: édition #12 de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 February 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 25 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 25# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 February 2020 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice January 2020 Portuguese podcast #9: IPTU – o bode expiatório dos impostos

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 January 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Another Great Depression or tax justice and transparency? The Tax Justice Network January 2020 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 January 2020 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s January 2020 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, enero 2020

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 January 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 11 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: édition #11 de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 January 2020 ■ < 1

Edition 24 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 24# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 January 2020 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice December 2019 Portuguese podcast #8: A maldição da financeirização

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 December 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The financialisation of child and elderly care: the Tax Justice Network December 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 December 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s December 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, diciembre 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 December 2019 ■ < 1

VIDEO: The “Race to the Bottom” and how it makes us all poorer

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 December 2019 ■ < 1

Edition 23 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 23# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 December 2019 ■ < 1

Edition 10 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: édition #10 de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 December 2019 ■ < 1

Tax Justice November 2019 Portuguese podcast: Penalidade máxima: a sonegação no futebol #7

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 November 2019 ■ 2 min READ
City of London skyline

Unitary taxation for multinational companies: what it is and why it matters

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 November 2019 ■ < 1 ■ 2 comments
A silver microphone on a desk

Paradigm shifts on tax, and who are ‘the uncounted’? Tax Justice Network November 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 November 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Global Day of Action: digging the dirt on extractives

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 November 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s November 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, noviembre 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 November 2019 ■ < 1

The UN runs out of money: has your country paid its annual contribution?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 November 2019 ■ 4 min READ

Edition 22 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 22# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 November 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 9 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: édition #9 de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 October 2019 ■ < 1
É da sua conta

Tax Justice October 2019 Portuguese podcast: O que ganhamos com isenções fiscais à empresas? #6

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 October 2019 ■ 3 min READ

Let’s shrink the City of London finance sector, for prosperity’s sake

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 October 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Taxing wealth – how to triumph over injustice: Tax Justice Network October 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 October 2019 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network’s October 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, octubre 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 October 2019 ■ < 1

Edition 8 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: édition #8 de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 October 2019 ■ < 1

Edition 21 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 21# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 September 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

A new vision for Europe amid the Brexit vortex: Tax Justice Network September 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 September 2019 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice September 2019 Portuguese podcast: Qual Reforma Tributária o Brasil precisa? #5

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 September 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network’s September 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, septiembre 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 September 2019 ■ < 1

Isle of Man: an awareness-raising swim and reflections on tax havenry

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 September 2019 ■ 3 min READ

Geopolitics trumps EU tax haven blacklist

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 September 2019 ■ 4 min READ

Edition 20 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast 20# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 September 2019 ■ < 1

Edition 7 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: #7 édition de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 September 2019 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Tax Justice August 2019 Portuguese podcast: A tributação pode solucionar a crise climática?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 August 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Ethical accounting, Brexit crisis and threats to public health services: August 2019 Tax Justice Network podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 August 2019 ■ 2 min READ ■ 4 comments
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network’s August 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, agosto 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 August 2019 ■ < 1
A silver microphone on a desk

Edition 19 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 19# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 August 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Edition 6 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: #6 édition de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 July 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Tax Justice July 2019 Portuguese podcast: Desigualdade de renda, polarização e Tributação

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 July 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Immigration as reparations: the Tax Justice Network July 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 July 2019 ■ 2 min READ

‘Terrible Transactions’: How much does mining benefit the Brazilian state?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 July 2019 ■ 6 min READ

Broadcasting for tax justice, now in 5 languages

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 July 2019 ■ 3 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network’s July 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, julio 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 July 2019 ■ < 1

Canada invests in whistleblower awards, and reaps the rewards

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 July 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Edition #5 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: #5 édition de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 July 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Edition 18 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 18# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 July 2019 ■ 2 min READ
É da sua conta

Our June 2019 podcast in Portuguese: nosso podcast em português: Índice de Paraíso Fiscal Corporativo

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 June 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

The Corporate Tax Haven Index: solving the world’s broken tax system in our monthly podcast, the Taxcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 June 2019 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network’s June 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, junio 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 June 2019 ■ 2 min READ

A boost for the UN Tax Committee

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 June 2019 ■ 6 min READ

Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer: legal opinion on latest ruling

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 June 2019 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments
A silver microphone on a desk

Edition 17 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 17# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 June 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Edition #4 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: #4 édition de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 June 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Our new tax justice monthly podcast in Portuguese: nosso novo podcast em português

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 May 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Transforming local economies: the Preston Model – a Taxcast special edition, May 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 May 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

The Tax Justice Network’s May 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, mayo 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 May 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Edition 16 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 16# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 May 2019 ■ 2 min READ
A silver microphone on a desk

Edition #3 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: #3 édition de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 April 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Rising inequality and dysfunction in the tax haven of Jersey: a Taxcast special edition

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 April 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s April 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, abril 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 April 2019 ■ 2 min READ

India and the renegotiation of its double tax agreement with Mauritius: an update

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 April 2019 ■ 5 min READ ■ 2 comments

Edition #2 of the Tax Justice Network’s Francophone podcast/radio show: #2 édition de radio/podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 April 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 15 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 15# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 April 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Mainstream Media Misrepresentations of the Financial Crash in the Tax Justice Network March 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 March 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s March 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, marzo 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 March 2019 ■ 2 min READ

European Commission to Investigate Secret #LuxLeaks Tax Deal

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 March 2019 ■ 3 min READ

Edition 14 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 14# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 March 2019 ■ 2 min READ

NEW: Francophone Africa Tax Justice Network podcast goes live: lancement d’un Podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 February 2019 ■ 3 min READ ■ 3 comments

The #LuxLeaks corporate tax deals – still no investigation? Plus financialisation of ‘aid’ in the Tax Justice Network February 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 February 2019 ■ < 1
Fair Tax Mark logo

Fair Tax Week in the UK

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 February 2019 ■ 3 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s February 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, febrero 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 February 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Why has the European Commission not investigated #LuxLeaks tax deals?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 February 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 13 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 13# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 February 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Oligopoly Capitalism: economic and democratic threats: the Tax Justice Network’s January 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 January 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s January 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, enero 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 January 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 12 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 12# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 January 2019 ■ 2 min READ

The gilets jaunes and how NOT to implement an environmental tax: the Tax Justice Network’s December 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 December 2018 ■ 3 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s December 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, diciembre 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 December 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 11 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 11# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 December 2018 ■ 2 min READ

To tackle tax abuse and crime, we must take on the enablers

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 November 2018 ■ 3 min READ

Financial crime is a feature of our global financial system, not a bug: pioneering economist Susan Strange

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 November 2018 ■ 4 min READ

Whistleblower protection, plutocrats and dark money: the Tax Justice Network’s November 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 November 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network’s November 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, noviembre 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 November 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 10 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 10# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 November 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer’s court victory: the long arm of Swiss secrecy law gets shorter

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 October 2018 ■ 5 min READ

How oversized finance sectors are making us poorer in the Tax Justice Network’s October 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 October 2018 ■ 2 min READ

The European Union, tax evasion and closing loopholes: new report

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 October 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network’s October 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, octubre 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 October 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 9 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 9# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 October 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Moneyland: plutocracy, contagion and crisis in the Tax Justice Network’s September 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 September 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network’s September 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, septiembre 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 September 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 8 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 8# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 August 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Extreme inequality levels in Bermuda despite its offshore services centre, in the Tax Justice Network’s August 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 August 2018 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network’s August 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, agosto 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 August 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 7 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 August 2018 ■ 2 min READ

A firewall to protect EU citizens from the Big Four accountancy firms and the tax avoidance lobby: the Tax Justice Network’s July 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 July 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Who funds you? Transparency and think tanks: we score the maximum, again

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 July 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Tax Justice Network’s July 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, julio 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 July 2018 ■ 2 min READ
account for influence graphic

Accounting for influence: how the Big Four are embedded in EU tax avoidance policy

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 July 2018 ■ 4 min READ

Inequality and the consequences: how much is too much?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 July 2018 ■ 8 min READ

Edition 6 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 July 2018 ■ 2 min READ

How accountants broke capitalism: the Tax Justice Network’s June 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 June 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

New report: is Apple paying less than 1% tax in the EU?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 June 2018 ■ 5 min READ

Bermuda: inequality and poverty in UK Overseas Territory

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 June 2018 ■ 15 min READ

UK overseas territories fight back against financial transparency measures

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 June 2018 ■ 4 min READ

Will the EU really blacklist the United States?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 June 2018 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

Tax Justice Network’s June 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, junio 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 June 2018 ■ 2 min READ

New report: extreme poverty and human rights in the United States

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 June 2018 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Edition 5 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Why we can’t afford the rich: our May 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 2 comments

Guest blog: Depositors disciplining banks. What’s the impact of scandals?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 May 2018 ■ 6 min READ

Addressing profit shifting in the mining sector through excessive interest deductions: our advice

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

#LuxLeaks verdict: hope for whistleblowers as Antoine Deltour is acquitted

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 May 2018 ■ 3 min READ

Our May 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, mayo 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Unhappy meal: tax avoidance still on the menu at McDonald’s

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Guest blog: Tax incentives – common ground between business and civil society?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Video discussion: ‘Taming Digital Capitalism’ through public country by country reporting

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 4 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 May 2018 ■ < 1

Tax justice, women and UN human rights conventions: our April 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 April 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Veils of secrecy: enhancing tax and ownership transparency in development projects

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 April 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Continuing the work of murdered journalist #DaphneCaruanaGalizia, 6 months on

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 April 2018 ■ 3 min READ

Our April 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, abril 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 April 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Your emails and us: an important notice

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 April 2018 ■ < 1

A lower effective corporate tax rate is associated with a lower rate of job creation: new research

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 April 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 3 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 April 2018 ■ < 1

How come Mauritius is the biggest foreign investor in India?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 March 2018 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Welcome oligarchs, erode democracy: our March 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 March 2018 ■ 2 min READ

New report: German-African research linking illicit and criminal financial flows with global poverty

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 March 2018 ■ 4 min READ

Our March 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, marzo 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 March 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Video: discussion on tax revenue losses, Apple’s tax avoidance and ‘state aid’

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 March 2018 ■ < 1

Bring in new tax to curb avoidance by multinationals: new report

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 March 2018 ■ 4 min READ

Video: the high cost of finance and the finance curse

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 March 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Edition 2 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Guest blog: Stopping public contracts for tax cheats

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2018 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Guest blog: Tax Avoidance and Evasion in Africa

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 March 2018 ■ 10 min READ

The killing of the American Dream and Trump’s Tax Reform in our February 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 February 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Our February 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, febrero 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 February 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Illicit financial flows and the tax haven and offshore secrecy system

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 February 2018 ■ 9 min READ

Financial Secrecy Index 2018: watch and listen

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 February 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 2 comments

Our new Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 January 2018 ■ 2 min READ

The Financial Secrecy Index: the real story on global corruption in our January 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 January 2018 ■ < 1

Our January 2018 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, enero 2018

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 January 2018 ■ 2 min READ

The US’s ‘Trump/Goldman tax law’ and the race to the bottom

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 January 2018 ■ 2 min READ

HSBC: Gangsters of Finance: new film

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 January 2018 ■ < 1 ■ 16 comments

Secrecy, oligarchs and offshore psychology in our December 2017 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 December 2017 ■ 2 min READ

US tax reform and conflicts with international law: guest blog

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 December 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 2 comments

Our December 2017 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de diciembre 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 12 December 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Indian cess taxes: A call for accountability (Guest blog)

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 December 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Human rights costs of the proposed U.S. tax cuts

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 December 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Dear mining companies, why do you use tax havens?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 December 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Podcast: the history of tax havens (in Spanish): una miniserie especial – Breve Historia de de los Paraísos Fiscales

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 November 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Podcast: Decolonisation and the Expansion of Tax Havens, 1950s-1960s

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 November 2017 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

In our November 2017 Podcast we discuss the #ParadisePapers and democracy

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 November 2017 ■ < 1

Twelve Reasons to Oppose Rules on Digital Commerce in the WTO

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 November 2017 ■ 17 min READ

Reforming the multi-billion dollar accounting and finance education industry

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 November 2017 ■ 3 min READ

#ParadisePapers and the Big Four: in the words of a former insider

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 November 2017 ■ 16 min READ

Our November 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de noviembre 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 November 2017 ■ 2 min READ

#ParadisePapers: The onshore heart of the offshore industry

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 November 2017 ■ 6 min READ

#ParadisePapers: residency for sale to the rich and famous

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 November 2017 ■ 5 min READ

Master of Tax Course: Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 October 2017 ■ < 1

Passports and residency for sale in our October 2017 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 October 2017 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Our October 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de octubre 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 October 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Podcast: A New Vision for the British Economy, a Taxcast Extra

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 October 2017 ■ 2 min READ

The Dutch government cuts its corporate tax rate…

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 October 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Tax Justice video: How can we avoid another crisis? Expert panel discussion

By Naomi Fowler ■ 5 October 2017 ■ 2 min READ

European Commission orders Luxembourg to claim back 250 million in taxes from Amazon – TJN Reaction

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 October 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Tax justice in the Arab world: new research

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 October 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Brexit and Corporate Welfare: ‘take back control’?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 September 2017 ■ 3 min READ

The great escape: how tax havens continue to undermine new transparency measures: guest post

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 September 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Hurricanes, disaster capitalism, bitcoin and over-reliance on unhelpful economic measures: our Sept 2017 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 September 2017 ■ < 1

4 million Canadians form a new Coalition for Tax Fairness

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 September 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Our September 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de septiembre 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 September 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Podcast: #10YearsAfter the crash: time for new economics

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 September 2017 ■ 2 min READ

#10YearsAfter The Crash, how can we avoid another crisis? Tax Justice event

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 August 2017 ■ 2 min READ

#10yearsafter the crash: the failure of HBOS and the lessons for reform

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 August 2017 ■ 3 min READ
spikers web film

Unmissable: ‘The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire’ film and panel discussion

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 August 2017 ■ 2 min READ

#10yearsafter the crash what will the next one look like? Our August 2017 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 August 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Our August 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de agosto 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 August 2017 ■ 2 min READ

#10yearsafter the Crash: looking back at BBC coverage

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 August 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

#10yearsafter the crash: anniversary today

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 August 2017 ■ 5 min READ

Inequality and the broken economy demonstrated in one graph

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 August 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer may soon release account data from Julius Baer bank

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 August 2017 ■ 4 min READ

10 Years after the Crash: building a reform agenda

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 July 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 2 comments

The offshore world and the enablers of capital flight

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 July 2017 ■ 5 min READ

New research on key role major economies play in global tax avoidance

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 July 2017 ■ 2 min READ

We explore Land Value Tax in the Tax Justice Network July 2017 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 July 2017 ■ 1 ■ 1 comments

Our July 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de julio 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 July 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Recovering Africa’s Stolen Assets: from Jersey to Kenya

By Naomi Fowler ■ 4 July 2017 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

Worst fears realised? Jersey shares ‘old’ records of trusts and foundations

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ

The 3rd International Conference on Beneficial Ownership Registries in Buenos Aires

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

Britain’s first tax justice election? Our June 2017 Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 June 2017 ■ 2 min READ

The 3rd International Conference on Beneficial Ownership Registries, Argentina

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 June 2017 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

EU Parliament multinational transparency vote introduces ‘commercial confidentiality’ loophole

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 June 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Women’s Rights and Tax Justice: Conference in Bogotá, Colombia

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 June 2017 ■ 5 min READ

Whistleblower Ruedi Elmer vs. the Swiss ‘Justice’ System

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Technology and online beneficial ownership registries: 21st century transparency

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 2 comments

Newly launched Tax Justice UK assesses party manifestos in UK’s ‘snap’ general election

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 May 2017 ■ 6 min READ ■ 1 comments

Britain’s Second Empire: our May 2017 Tax Justice Network Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 May 2017 ■ 2 min READ

The Price of Entry: residence and citizenship by investment around the world

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 May 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Our May 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de mayo 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 May 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Jainism and Ethical Finance

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 May 2017 ■ 4 min READ

The U.K. post-general election: strong, stable and still kind to criminals

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 May 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Estimates on illicit flows to and from developing countries

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 May 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

The Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation is hiring

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 May 2017 ■ 5 min READ

Do you want to know how much tax multinational companies pay?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 May 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Why taxation STILL isn’t theft…

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 April 2017 ■ 3 min READ

UK Parliament fails to tackle financial secrecy in its overseas territories

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 April 2017 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Vietnam legislates on country by country reporting

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 April 2017 ■ 2 min READ

The Panama Papers, 1 year on: our April 2017 Tax Justice Network Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 April 2017 ■ < 1

Our April 2017 Spanish Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de abril 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 April 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Beneficial Ownership: a Tax Justice Network checklist

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 April 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Australian beer drinker tax vs the world’s biggest gas companies

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 April 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Tax haven blacklisting in Latin America

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 April 2017 ■ 8 min READ

Our March 2017 podcast: staggering numbers on the high cost of our finance sectors, plus more

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 March 2017 ■ < 1

Our March 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de marzo 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 March 2017 ■ 2 min READ

#LuxLeaks appeal verdict: tax justice heroes convicted again

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 March 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 6 comments

Launch of the African Platform to Protect Whistleblowers

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 March 2017 ■ 5 min READ

Good news from Slovakia: light cast onto shell companies

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 March 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Politicians and their tax returns: a new project from Finance Uncovered

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 March 2017 ■ 3 min READ

An Alternative Approach to Taxing Multinational Companies: new book

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 March 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

A great day for tax justice: coming closer to ending anonymous ownership

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 February 2017 ■ 3 min READ

New book: The Despot’s Guide to Wealth Management

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 February 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Our February 2017 podcast: Financial transaction taxes to protect us from our finance sectors plus more

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 February 2017 ■ 2 min READ

How could a global public database help to tackle corporate tax avoidance?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 February 2017 ■ 6 min READ

Open Data For Tax Justice: the creation of a public database of country-by-country reporting data

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 February 2017 ■ 6 min READ

Our February 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de febrero 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 February 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Trusts – Weapons of Mass Injustice: new Tax Justice Network report

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 February 2017 ■ 5 min READ ■ 1 comments

The Tax Justice Network’s webinar on the next Financial Secrecy Index

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 February 2017 ■ < 1

Panama Papers Committee investigates in London UK, home to 2,000 ‘enablers’

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 February 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Transparency, Lobbying and Fake News: how transparent are think tanks?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 February 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Tax Justice and Women’s Rights, global days of action are coming

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 February 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 2 comments

The Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation is hiring

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 January 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Our January 2017 Spanish language Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de enero 2017

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 January 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Tax haven UK? It already is…

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 January 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Tax justice and public contracts, Brexit threats, criminal dodges and crackdowns in our January 2017 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 January 2017 ■ 2 min READ

UK tax authority awareness raising for children on the importance of tax

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 January 2017 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Ownership Avoidance, the Great Escape in the Tax Justice Network December 2016 Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 December 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Tackling unfair tax treaties between developing countries and the UK, in UK Parliament today

By Naomi Fowler ■ 16 December 2016 ■ 3 min READ

Our December 2016 Spanish language Tax Justice Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de diciembre 2016

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 December 2016 ■ 3 min READ

For rich countries only: A global map of multinationals’ tax avoidance

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 December 2016 ■ 3 min READ

The importance of modelling for tax discussions: show me the numbers!

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 December 2016 ■ 3 min READ

UN criticises Switzerland and pressure mounts over human rights impacts of tax havens

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 December 2016 ■ 4 min READ ■ 2 comments

Women, tax and equality: yet again, the burden is disproportionately borne by women

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 November 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Inspectors Without Borders, US President Trump and Tax Justice: our November 2016 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 November 2016 ■ < 1

Our November 2016 Spanish language Tax Justice Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de noviembre 2016

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 November 2016 ■ 3 min READ

EU decides criteria for inclusion on tax haven blacklist: without fear or favour?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 November 2016 ■ 4 min READ

Panama Papers: the role of Western secrecy jurisdictions in looting Africa

By Naomi Fowler ■ 10 November 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Trump wins in a corrupted economy: welcome to #Truxit

By Naomi Fowler ■ 9 November 2016 ■ 4 min READ

A Tax Justice Network How-To Guide on solving secrecy risks around Trusts

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 November 2016 ■ 5 min READ

Dissecting the Cayman Islands Offshore Financial Centre: small place, big money

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 November 2016 ■ 3 min READ

Switzerland in the UN hot seat over impact of its tax policies on women’s rights

By Naomi Fowler ■ 3 November 2016 ■ 3 min READ ■ 6 comments

Trial of whistleblower Rudolf Elmer breaks open Swiss banking secrecy at a new level

By Naomi Fowler ■ 2 November 2016 ■ 4 min READ

The Netherlands comes out in support of public country-by-country reporting

By Naomi Fowler ■ 31 October 2016 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

The Kleptocracy Curse and the threat to global security

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 October 2016 ■ 2 min READ

UN Expert backs the Tax Justice Network’s Financial Secrecy Index in the battle to protect human rights

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 October 2016 ■ 3 min READ

Whistleblowers on film…

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 October 2016 ■ < 1

Yet another “last chance” for Italian tax evaders to comply with the Italian tax code

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 October 2016 ■ 4 min READ

Podcast: Iceland: offshorisation, collapse and recovery. What are the lessons?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 October 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Our October 2016 Spanish language Tax Justice Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de octubre 2016

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 October 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Is it ‘smart’ to avoid your taxes? US Americans believe not

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 October 2016 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

Global tax reform: update on progress and next steps

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 October 2016 ■ 2 min READ

UN rights experts on Leaks: What else do we need to know to take action?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 7 October 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Network Sept 2016 Podcast: #AppleTax, #BahamasLeaks and a conman offshore story

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 September 2016 ■ < 1 ■ 2 comments

The Tax Justice Network in Kenya and Israel

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 September 2016 ■ 2 min READ

#BahamasLeaks: New Leak Rips Open Bahamian Secrecy

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 September 2016 ■ 4 min READ

Our September Spanish language Tax Justice Podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast de septiembre 2016

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 September 2016 ■ 2 min READ

MEP support for #LuxLeaks whistleblowers, back in court. (Again)

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 September 2016 ■ < 1

Our August Tax Justice Network podcast: are the big four accountancy firms really the ‘big one’?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 August 2016 ■ < 1

Will the British government target tax dodging enablers at last?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 18 August 2016 ■ 4 min READ

Video: Guide to Legal Tax Evasion

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 July 2016 ■ 2 min READ ■ 2 comments

Our Spanish language tax justice podcast is out! ¡Salió nuestro podcast en castellano!

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 July 2016 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Advocacy tools on tax policy and international cooperation for human rights

By Naomi Fowler ■ 25 July 2016 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

Our July 2016 Tax Justice Network Podcast is out

By Naomi Fowler ■ 21 July 2016 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

The #LuxLeaks whistleblowers verdict: our statement

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 June 2016 ■ 4 min READ ■ 2 comments

Should Europe trust trusts?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 June 2016 ■ 3 min READ

Our June 2016 Podcast: Brexit, quantifying kleptocracy & why Panama Papers is tip of offshore iceberg

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 June 2016 ■ < 1

Tax Justice Network May 2016 Podcast: the Anti-Corruption Summit – who’s the most corrupt?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 May 2016 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

What Would a Good Result for This Week’s London Anti-Corruption Summit Look Like?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 May 2016 ■ 5 min READ ■ 1 comments

Tax Justice Network April 2016 Podcast: a #PanamaPapers special

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 April 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Whistleblower Antoine Deltour warns MEPs: DON’T vote for the EU Trade Secrets Directive tomorrow

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 April 2016 ■ 2 min READ

The mentality behind the #PanamaPapers secrets, explained in 3 seconds

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 April 2016 ■ < 1

The #PanamaPapers: Five things the world can do about it

By Naomi Fowler ■ 6 April 2016 ■ 2 min READ ■ 6 comments

The Tax Justice Network March 2016 Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 March 2016 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network February 2016 Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 20 February 2016 ■ 2 min READ

The January 2016 Tax Justice Network Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 January 2016 ■ 2 min READ

Nuestro quinto podcast en castellano

By Naomi Fowler ■ 24 December 2015 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network’s December 2015 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 December 2015 ■ < 1