Naomi Fowler ■ Broadcasting for tax justice, now in 5 languages
The Tax Justice Network now speaks tax justice in five languages on radio stations and podcast platforms across the world, each with their own unique content and style – English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Portuguese. I produce the Taxcast, the Tax Justice Network’s first monthly podcast in English, now in its eighth year, and I coordinate teams across the world with their monthly programmes, each focused on their regions, exploring how power and decisions are working (or not working) and in whose interests.
Recently all the Tax Justice Network’s producers met face to face in London, and we made a podcast in which we discuss our experiences of broadcasting for tax justice – 30 minutes each month of unmissable corruption, scandal and analysis on corporate tax havenry, tax dodging and financial secrecy – the battles for transparency, fairness and greater democratic accountability in the public interest. The mainstream media isn’t doing a good job on this subject, so we’re filling that huge gap in coverage and understanding of one of the most challenging ethical and economic issues of our times. We hope you enjoy listening. Details of each podcast are below.
Broadcasting for tax justice in five languages – our story: LISTEN HERE
Covering the issue of tax for the media…is probably deemed as one of the most un-cool things and fields of research, and the way I think of it is that this [tax justice podcasts] is exactly what kind of makes it cool!
The thing I enjoy the most about this podcast is taking an issue that’s usually seen as too technical, too special and trying to make media for everyone out of it, I think this is the most rewarding thing about it and I think the media always gets something very wrong…
When you pitch stories like this to traditional media they will think ‘this is not interesting enough, people won’t be interested in it’ but what I think we’re proving as a team is that actually there is great interest in tax issues and it’s not just a technical matter for experts to be discussed in closed rooms”
~ Osama Diab, journalist, economic rights researcher at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights and contributor to the Tax Justice Network’s Arabic monthly podcast/radio show
الجباية ببساطة
Our podcasts/radio shows:
All podcasts are available on podcast platforms such as Stitcher and Spotify. Here below are each of the Tax Justice Network’s podcasts on youtube, starting with the Taxcast in English with me Naomi Fowler, previously a radio journalist based in various countries for many years and regular commentator the Tax Justice Network’s John Christensen:
The Spanish podcast, Justicia ImPositiva with journalist Marcelo Justo from Argentina who worked for many years at the BBC World Service, and his co-presenter Marta Nunez from Panama, a defender of women’s rights:
الجباية ببساطة The Arabic podcast with finance and economics journalist and radio producer Walid ben Rhouma based at Express FM in Tunisia and
Osama Diab, journalist, economic rights researcher at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights:
The French podcast, Impôts et Justice Sociale with finance and economics journalist Idriss Linge based in Cameroon:
The Portuguese podcast É Da Sua Conta with radio journalist Daniela Stefano, specialised in human rights and environmental reporting, Grazielle David is a tax justice and human rights expert and a top economics communicator and economics and public policy journalist Luciano Maximo:
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