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Explore all the latest blogs, reports, press releases and events published by the Tax Justice Network in one place.


The Tax Justice Network submission to the OECD consultation

By Alex Cobham, Markus Meinzer, Liz Nelson
20 March 2019

Ten reasons why the Destination Based Cash Flow Tax is a terrible idea

By Nick Shaxson ■ 19 March 2019 ■ 14 min READ ■ 1 comments

The Tax Justice Network’s March 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, marzo 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 15 March 2019 ■ 2 min READ
Panel of speakers at the OECD

Addressing the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy: our submission to OECD consultation

By Mark Bou Mansour ■ 15 March 2019 ■ 17 min READ

European Commission to Investigate Secret #LuxLeaks Tax Deal

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 March 2019 ■ 3 min READ

FT letter: tax reform is needed, but not the destination-based cash flow tax

By John Christensen ■ 11 March 2019 ■ 2 min READ
Black and white photo of a blurred people crossing a road

Do women go unseen in tax justice?

By Liz Nelson ■ 8 March 2019 ■ 3 min READ

Seeking a Portuguese language radio and podcast producer (Produtor programa de rádio/podcast português)

By Will Snell ■ 6 March 2019 ■ < 1

Registration now open for Tax Justice Network’s 2019 annual conference

By Will Snell ■ 6 March 2019 ■ < 1

‘The Magic Money Tree:’ From Modern Monetary Theory to Modern Tax Theory

By John Christensen ■ 5 March 2019 ■ 16 min READ ■ 9 comments

When will the British government impose public registries on its tax havens?

By John Christensen ■ 4 March 2019 ■ 4 min READ ■ 2 comments

Edition 14 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show, 14# الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 1 March 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Inspectors Without Borders – a Tax Justice Network idea bears fruit

By Nick Shaxson ■ 27 February 2019 ■ 5 min READ ■ 1 comments

NEW: Francophone Africa Tax Justice Network podcast goes live: lancement d’un Podcast Francophone par Tax Justice Network

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 February 2019 ■ 3 min READ ■ 3 comments

Job vacancy: Tax Justice Network Conference Intern

By Will Snell ■ 22 February 2019 ■ 3 min READ

The #LuxLeaks corporate tax deals – still no investigation? Plus financialisation of ‘aid’ in the Tax Justice Network February 2019 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 February 2019 ■ < 1

World’s biggest monopolist pays negative taxes

By Nick Shaxson ■ 20 February 2019 ■ 4 min READ
Glasses frame on a desk in front of a busy computer screen displaying code

New report: Are European corporate registries equipped to tackle tax evasion and financial crime?

By Moran Harari ■ 20 February 2019 ■ 3 min READ
Fair Tax Mark logo

Fair Tax Week in the UK

By Naomi Fowler ■ 19 February 2019 ■ 3 min READ

The Tax Justice Network’s February 2019 Spanish language podcast: Justicia ImPositiva, nuestro podcast, febrero 2019

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 February 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Why has the European Commission not investigated #LuxLeaks tax deals?

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 February 2019 ■ 2 min READ

Hey EU Council! think again on whistleblower protection

By TJN Admin ■ 12 February 2019 ■ 4 min READ