Category: Financial secrecy


Pandora Papers shows transparency failure is an accountability failure

By Alex Cobham ■ 3 October 2021 ■ 4 min READ ■ 2 comments

Isle of Man banking data leak reveals how sharing data can identify offshore strategies and improve beneficial ownership

By Andres Knobel ■ 29 September 2021 ■ 8 min READ

Isle of Man banking leak: Analysing banking data to reveal offshore strategies

By Andres Knobel
29 September 2021

The Tax Justice Network September 2021 Spanish language podcast, Justicia ImPositiva: Los litigios entre multinacionales y los estados, tráfico de drogas, litio #63

By Naomi Fowler ■ 14 September 2021 ■ < 1

Public inquiry says Maltese State is ‘responsible for Daphne Caruana Galizia’s death’

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 July 2021 ■ 4 min READ

The capture of Malta and the fight for justice: the Tax Justice Network podcast, July 2021

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 July 2021 ■ < 1

We want your feedback on our Financial Secrecy Index

By Moran Harari ■ 2 June 2021 ■ 2 min READ
A cloudy landscape seen through a keyhole

New free book: Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators

By Moran Harari ■ 7 May 2021 ■ 3 min READ

Buffet of tax-evading secrecy revealed by US settlement with Swiss bank Rahn+Bodmer

By Andres Knobel ■ 6 April 2021 ■ 8 min READ

Capital flight from Africa: Resource Plunder and the Poisoned Paradises in Tax Havens

By Tax Justice Network ■ 24 March 2021 ■ 7 min READ

Beneficial ownership verification: exploring Belgium’s sophisticated system

By Andres Knobel ■ 26 February 2021 ■ 3 min READ

Some things never change: the use of Swiss banks by crooks

By Andres Knobel ■ 15 February 2021 ■ 6 min READ

New study and tool for assessing risks of illicit financial flows in Latin America

By Markus Meinzer ■ 28 January 2021 ■ 8 min READ

Vulnerability and exposure to illicit financial flows risk in Latin America

By Alex Cobham, Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Moran Harari, Alice Lépissier, Shanna Lima, Markus Meinzer, Lidana Montoya Fernández, Luis Moreno
28 January 2021

The US beneficial ownership law has its weaknesses, but it’s a seismic shift

By Andres Knobel ■ 20 January 2021 ■ 6 min READ

Argentina keeps pushing to be at the vanguard of transparency. Now they need to make more information public

By Andres Knobel ■ 18 January 2021 ■ 5 min READ

How a mini movement overturned secret US shell companies

By Nick Shaxson ■ 5 January 2021 ■ 3 min READ

Taxing Wall Street: the Tax Justice Network December 2020 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 17 December 2020 ■ 2 min READ

Researcher vacancies at the Tax Justice Network: Latin America and Francophone Africa

By Helena Rose ■ 17 December 2020 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

The Corporate Tax Haven Index: a Joint Research Centre audit

By Markus Meinzer ■ 15 December 2020 ■ 4 min READ

The State of Tax Justice 2020

By Alex Cobham, Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Miroslav Palansky, Mark Bou Mansour
20 November 2020

Take action to stop corporate tax cheating in Europe

By Nick Shaxson ■ 27 October 2020 ■ 2 min READ