Category: Solutions and reform


Tax justice, the new Washington consensus?

By Alex Cobham ■ 19 October 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

New release of global tax data

By Alex Cobham ■ 9 October 2017 ■ 6 min READ

The great escape: how tax havens continue to undermine new transparency measures: guest post

By Naomi Fowler ■ 26 September 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

“Trusts: Weapons of Mass Injustice?” A response to the critics

By Andres Knobel ■ 25 September 2017 ■ 37 min READ

Beginning of the end for the arm’s length principle?

By Alex Cobham ■ 22 September 2017 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

New UN tax handbook: Lower-income countries vs OECD BEPS

By Alex Cobham ■ 11 September 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Access to Swiss banking information for developing countries hangs in the balance

By George Turner ■ 7 September 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Swiss Politicians seek to block automatic exchange of banking information with developing countries

By George Turner ■ 14 August 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

Open data for tax justice – designing a new CbCR database

By George Turner ■ 28 July 2017 ■ 7 min READ

RB tax avoidance – company calls for public country by country reporting after Oxfam report reveals profit shifting

By George Turner ■ 13 July 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Post-Panama Papers sunlight on New Zealand Trusts

By Andres Knobel ■ 13 July 2017 ■ 3 min READ

G20: Pressure rising on tax haven USA

By George Turner ■ 10 July 2017 ■ 2 min READ

Tax Justice Annual Conference 2017, 5-6 July: Final Programme

By Alex Cobham ■ 29 June 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Worst fears realised? Jersey shares ‘old’ records of trusts and foundations

By Naomi Fowler ■ 28 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ

The 3rd International Conference on Beneficial Ownership Registries in Buenos Aires

By Naomi Fowler ■ 27 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

Britain’s first tax justice election? Our June 2017 Podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 22 June 2017 ■ 2 min READ

European Commission targets tax avoidance ‘enablers’

By TJN Admin ■ 21 June 2017 ■ 4 min READ

The 3rd International Conference on Beneficial Ownership Registries, Argentina

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 June 2017 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

EU Parliament multinational transparency vote introduces ‘commercial confidentiality’ loophole

By Naomi Fowler ■ 13 June 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Double-Layer Secrecy: add Lawyer Confidentiality to Banking Secrecy

By Andres Knobel ■ 12 June 2017 ■ 4 min READ

Public country-by-country reporting: it’s not about costs or trade secrets

By John Christensen ■ 6 June 2017 ■ 3 min READ

Tax Justice Network warns at the UN against subversion of Sustainable Development Goals

By Alex Cobham ■ 1 June 2017 ■ 9 min READ ■ 1 comments