Category: Solutions and reform


Edition 5 of the Tax Justice Network Arabic monthly podcast/radio show الجباية ببساطة

By Naomi Fowler ■ 30 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Why we can’t afford the rich: our May 2018 podcast

By Naomi Fowler ■ 29 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ ■ 2 comments

Addressing profit shifting in the mining sector through excessive interest deductions: our advice

By Naomi Fowler ■ 23 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Video discussion: ‘Taming Digital Capitalism’ through public country by country reporting

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 May 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Yes, Britain is closing its tax havens. But let’s not forget it created them in the first place

By John Christensen ■ 4 May 2018 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Making history: an end to anonymous companies in the UK’s Overseas Territories

By Alex Cobham ■ 1 May 2018 ■ 4 min READ

New report: The Global Battle for Corporate Transparency

By George Turner ■ 24 April 2018 ■ 3 min READ

The bell tolls for arm’s length pricing

By Alex Cobham ■ 20 April 2018 ■ 5 min READ

The EU’s latest agreement on amending the anti-money laundering directive: at the vanguard of trust transparency, but still further to go

By Andres Knobel ■ 9 April 2018 ■ 11 min READ

Accounting (f)or Tax: The Global Battle for Corporate Transparency

By Markus Meinzer, Christoph Trauvetter
1 April 2018

OECD rules vs CRS avoidance strategies: not bad, but short of teeth and too dependent on good faith

By Andres Knobel ■ 27 March 2018 ■ 5 min READ

Regulation of Beneficial Ownership in Latin America and the Caribbean

By Andres Knobel ■ 26 March 2018 ■ 2 min READ

Now you see me, now you don’t: using citizenship and residency by investment to avoid automatic exchange of banking information

By Andres Knobel ■ 12 March 2018 ■ 3 min READ

Video: discussion on tax revenue losses, Apple’s tax avoidance and ‘state aid’

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 March 2018 ■ < 1

Bring in new tax to curb avoidance by multinationals: new report

By Naomi Fowler ■ 8 March 2018 ■ 4 min READ

The B-Team: Lowering the bar for tax transparency?

By Alex Cobham ■ 16 February 2018 ■ 7 min READ ■ 4 comments

ICRICT ‘roadmap’ for taxing multinationals

By Alex Cobham ■ 7 February 2018 ■ 4 min READ

Trusts and the UK: half a step forward, three steps backwards

By Andres Knobel ■ 19 December 2017 ■ 10 min READ ■ 1 comments

Indian cess taxes: A call for accountability (Guest blog)

By Naomi Fowler ■ 11 December 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

#ParadisePapers: The Mauritian Connection

By Rachel Etter-Phoya ■ 15 November 2017 ■ 5 min READ

Big Four accounting firms are key drivers of tax haven use, new research says

By Alex Cobham ■ 13 November 2017 ■ 4 min READ ■ 1 comments

Day 2 #paradisepapers revelations – Global corporations need global taxation

By George Turner ■ 6 November 2017 ■ 2 min READ ■ 2 comments