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Switzerland signs up for automatic info exchange. But there’s a catch

By Nick Shaxson ■ 20 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

Quote of the day: secret U.S. tax deals

By Nick Shaxson ■ 19 November 2014 ■ < 1

Swiss to vote on “millionaires’ tax.” Cue scare stories

By Nick Shaxson ■ 19 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

California’s tax hikes versus Kansas’ tax cuts: early results now in

By Nick Shaxson ■ 18 November 2014 ■ 4 min READ

Patent boxes: progress, or more racing to the bottom?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 17 November 2014 ■ 5 min READ

The OECD’s corporate tax project: a remake of an old film?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 17 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

Global Investor Groups Support Tax Justice and Transparency

By Nick Shaxson ■ 14 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

SPERI: The Finance Curse as New Grand Narrative

By Nick Shaxson ■ 14 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

New reports on OECD and developing countries: progress, but far to go

By Nick Shaxson ■ 14 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

Report: a third of French banks’ foreign subsidiaries are in tax havens

By Nick Shaxson ■ 14 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

The UK Patent box – will it come back in through the back door, accompanied by Germany?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 13 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

Goodbye UK Patent Box – don’t let the door hit you on your way out

By Nick Shaxson ■ 13 November 2014 ■ 3 min READ

Hidden Profits: The EU’s role in supporting an unjust global tax system 2014

By Nick Shaxson ■ 12 November 2014 ■ 3 min READ

Success in Barclays tax haven campaign

By Nick Shaxson ■ 12 November 2014 ■ < 1

Warning: tax havens getting ready to wriggle out of global transparency initiatives

By Nick Shaxson ■ 12 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

Unions Push for Tax Responsibility in Pension Funds

By Nick Shaxson ■ 10 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

Tweet of the day: Jean-Claude Juncker needs to go

By Nick Shaxson ■ 10 November 2014 ■ < 1 ■ 2 comments

Open letter to G20 leaders – something must be done at Brisbane about illicit financial flows

By John Christensen ■ 10 November 2014 ■ 4 min READ

Why the Netherlands is the world’s largest source of FDI

By Nick Shaxson ■ 10 November 2014 ■ 4 min READ

Luxembourg’s Sweetheart Deals: Could the OECD Stop Them?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 9 November 2014 ■ 4 min READ

New report: time to end extreme inequality

By Nick Shaxson ■ 7 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ

PWC and Luxembourg: no, this wasn’t ‘legal’ behaviour

By Nick Shaxson ■ 6 November 2014 ■ 2 min READ