John Christensen ■ Occupy protest highlights role of British tax havens
A plucky group of Occupy activists are legally occupying Parliament Square in London, but face surprising levels of harassment by British police. Here is a short video about the occupation, in which the protesters highlight the flags of British tax havens flying across the street from Parliament – illustrating the closer relations between the U.K. and such notorious tax havens as Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar, the Turks & Caicos Islands, and so on. (Read about the British connection here.)
For anyone, including journalists, who think that Occupy has no policy focus, requiring measures to tackle tax havens has been a consistent theme of discussion in London since Occupy began.
Watch the video, and watch out for those flags.
And note other, separate Occupy protests elsewhere – also facing a stiff response from the authorities, and from others who should know better.
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19 August 2024