Nick Shaxson ■ The Price of Offshore, Revisited

July 22, 2012
Update, June 2014: TJN responds to attacks on the report (pdf here).
MAIN REPORT 1 – The Price of Offshore Revisited: TJN’s in-depth and unprecedented study into the size of the offshore system of tax havens and/or secrecy jurisdictions. The report estimates that some $21-32 trillion is stashed offshore, in conditions of low or zero tax and substantial secrecy.
MAIN REPORT 2 – Inequality: You don’t know the half of it: TJN’s assessment of why inequality is much worse than we think
Appendix 1: The pre-history of offshore estimates
Appendix 2: Explaining Capital Flight
Appendix 3
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Am trying to access the “detailed 18-month research project” described in today’s Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/may/08/offshore-finance-emerging-countries-russia-david-cameron-summit but all I get is your excellent 2012 report and the 2014 update. Your links don’t work. Am also unsure why your report(s) wasn’t widely cited during Panama Papers rollout. Thanks for this essential work.