Martin Kopeček

Senior Developer

Short bio

Martin is a web developer specialising at data visualizations and interactive web apps and a data management specialist. Before TJN Martin was an advisor to the deputy minister at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. Martin holds a Master's in Economics from Charles University in Prague.

Author’s contribution.
Flags of Countries in front of the United Nations Office at Geneva

🔴Live: UN tax negotiations

By Tax Justice Network ■ 25 April 2024 ■ 23 min READ

Online conference: Imperial inequalities: states, empires, taxation and reparations

3 December 2020

Beneficial ownership definitions: determining “control” unrelated to ownership

By Andres Knobel
20 July 2020

Panama – Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

By Liz Nelson, Moran Harari, Javier Garcia-Bernardo
15 July 2020

Beneficial ownership transparency in Africa The state of play in 2020

By Rachel Etter-Phoya
1 July 2020

Progressive Tax Measures to Realize Rights

By Tax Justice Network
11 June 2020

The state of play of beneficial ownership registration in 2020

By Andres Knobel, Markus Meinzer, Moran Harari, Miroslav Palansky
1 June 2020

The axis of tax avoidance: Time for the EU to close Europe’s tax havens

By Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Alex Cobham, Mark Bou Mansour
28 April 2020

Tax-responsible rules for Corona Bailout

By Moran Harari, Alex Cobham, Markus Meinzer, Andres Knobel, Mark Bou Mansour
23 April 2020

Time for the EU to close its own tax havens

By Alex Cobham, Javier Garcia-Bernardo
4 April 2020

Beneficial ownership in the investment industry: A strategy to roll back anonymous capital

By Andres Knobel
9 October 2019

Regional Imbalances in the UK Economy Inquiry submission

By Nick Shaxson, John Christensen
30 August 2019

Vulnerability and Exposure to Illicit Financial Flows risk in Africa

By Alex Cobham, Rachel Etter-Phoya, Markus Meinzer, Charles Abugre, Nara Monkam, Alice Lépissier, Alvin Mosioma
22 August 2019

Data on bank transfers: Complementing automatic exchange of information and detecting illicit financial flows in real time

By Andres Knobel
10 July 2019

Ashes to ashes: How British American Tobacco avoids taxes in low and middle income countries

By Alex Cobham
20 April 2019

The Tax Justice Network submission to the OECD consultation

By Alex Cobham, Markus Meinzer, Liz Nelson
20 March 2019

Beneficial ownership verification: ensuring the truthfulness and accuracy of registered ownership information

By Andres Knobel
20 January 2019

Brass necks and boilerplate: How US multinationals treat UK requirements for tax strategy disclosure

By Andrew Belnap
1 January 2019

Accounting (f)or Tax: The Global Battle for Corporate Transparency

By Markus Meinzer, Christoph Trauvetter
1 April 2018

Lobbyism in International Tax Policy: The Long and Arduous Path of Country-by-Country Reporting

By Markus Meinzer
1 November 2017

Delivering a level playing field for offshore bank accounts – What the new OECD/Global Forum peer reviews on automatic information exchange must not miss

By Andres Knobel, Markus Meinzer
1 March 2017

Trusts: Weapons of Mass Injustice?

By Andres Knobel, Nick Shaxson
1 February 2017

Findings of the 2nd TJN Survey on Automatic Exchange of Information

By Andres Knobel
1 January 2017

HMRC, Building an Uncertain Future: The cuts don’t work

By Tax Justice Network
1 November 2016

Global Taxation: Financing Education and the Other Sustainable Development Goals

By Alex Cobham, Steven Klees
1 November 2016

Should Europe Trust Trusts? (Part 2 of 2)

By Andres Knobel, Markus Meinzer
1 June 2016

Drilling down to the real owners (Part 1 of 2)

By Andres Knobel, Markus Meinzer
1 May 2016

Why Google is paying just 2% tax rate in the UK

By Nick Shaxson
1 November 2015

Measuring Misalignment: the Location of US Multinationals’ Economic Activity Versus the Location of their Profits

By Alex Cobham, Petr Jansky
1 November 2015

Tax Haven Germany – why many rich don’t pay tax here

By Markus Meinzer
11 September 2015

BEPS Monitoring Group: Strengthening the Rules on Controlled Foreign Corporations (CFCs.)

By 1 May 2015

The Offshore Game 

By Alex Cobham, George Turner, Nick Mathiason
1 April 2015

TJN-A report: Tax Treaties in Sub-Saharan Africa

By 1 March 2015

The end of bank secrecy? Bridging the gap to effective automatic information exchange: An Evaluation of OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and its alternatives

By Andres Knobel, Markus Meinzer
1 November 2014

Risk Mining the Public Exchequer: what tax avoidance is

By Clair Quentin
1 August 2014

Krishen Mehta: ten ways developing countries can take control of their tax destinies

By Krishen Mehta
1 July 2014

TJN’s response to a paper by two U.S. academics, funded by the tax haven of Jersey and attacking Price of Offshore

By Tax Justice Network
1 June 2014

Key data report: Financial Secrecy, Banks and the Big 4 Firms of Accountants

By Moran Harari, Markus Meinzer, Richard Murphy
1 October 2012

Where to draw the line? Identifying secrecy jurisdictions for applied research

By Markus Meinzer
1 September 2012

Inequality: you don’t know the half of it (or why hidden offshore wealth means inequality is worse than we thought)

By Nick Shaxson, John Christensen, Nick Mathiason
19 July 2012

The Creeping Futility of the Global Forum’s Peer Reviews

By Markus Meinzer
1 March 2012

The Cost of Tax Abuse

By Nick Shaxson
1 November 2011

The UK-Swiss deal: doomed to fail

By Nick Shaxson
1 October 2011

Briefing paper on EU Savings Tax Directive and Automatic Information Exchange

By Markus Meinzer
1 January 2011

Policy paper on automatic tax information exchange between Northern and Southern Countries

By Markus Meinzer
1 September 2010