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Meet TJN in Oxford to discuss the fallacy of tax “competitiveness”

By John Christensen ■ 23 March 2015 ■ < 1

The Tax Justice Network Podcast, March 2015

By Nick Shaxson ■ 22 March 2015 ■ < 1

Tax haven Gibraltar sues newspaper for calling it a tax haven

By Nick Shaxson ■ 19 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ ■ 3 comments

People’s Parliament to discuss How Corrupt is Britain?

By John Christensen ■ 19 March 2015 ■ 3 min READ ■ 1 comments

The UK’s money laundering rules support debanking of poorer countries

By Nick Shaxson ■ 19 March 2015 ■ 4 min READ

New Report: Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporate Income Tax.

By Nick Shaxson ■ 18 March 2015 ■ 5 min READ ■ 3 comments

Six questions about HSBC and the Jersey connection

By Nick Shaxson ■ 17 March 2015 ■ < 1 ■ 1 comments

New study outlines trillions handed out in U.S. corporate welfare bonanza

By Nick Shaxson ■ 17 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ

Small countries, big banks: is Andorra the new Cyprus?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 17 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

European Trade Unions Congress on tackling tax evasion, avoidance and tax havens

By John Christensen ■ 17 March 2015 ■ 10 min READ

Where did Zimbabwe’s diamond revenues go?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 16 March 2015 ■ < 1

Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond

By Nick Shaxson ■ 16 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

In the next taxcast: democracy for sale, via tax havens

By Nick Shaxson ■ 15 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ

City of London helps UK ‘betray’ US again: this time it’s over China

By Nick Shaxson ■ 13 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ ■ 1 comments

Quote of the day: the Irish template for corporate bullying

By John Christensen ■ 13 March 2015 ■ < 1

Did Ireland’s 12.5 percent corporate tax rate create the Celtic Tiger?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 12 March 2015 ■ 7 min READ ■ 5 comments

First newsletter of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice

By Nick Shaxson ■ 12 March 2015 ■ 5 min READ ■ 2 comments

New Expert Global Commission Responds to One-Sided Tax Debate

By Nick Shaxson ■ 11 March 2015 ■ 2 min READ

Fools’ Gold: new project on ‘competitiveness’

By Nick Shaxson ■ 11 March 2015 ■ < 1

City of London Corporation in ‘failure to support transparency’ shocker

By John Christensen ■ 11 March 2015 ■ 3 min READ

The Next Rising Tax Haven

By John Christensen ■ 10 March 2015 ■ < 1

Event: can low income countries ever tax transnational corporations?

By Nick Shaxson ■ 9 March 2015 ■ < 1