Zoe Parkin ■ The Tax Justice Network’s most read pieces of 2024

This year our work featured in more than 80 broadcasts, 2,978 online media articles, and 223 print pieces in over 120 countries, and saw more than 230,000 visitors to our website.
To help you stay up to date with everything you might have missed this year, we’ve put together a handy list of our most read pieces from 2024.
Our three most-viewed pages on our website this year were: still holding the top spot, a 2020 article on Britain’s Slave Owner Compensation Loan, reparations and tax havenry; an explainer on What is transfer pricing; and a press release highlighting how Countries can raise $2 trillion a year by following Spain’s wealth tax example.
Our most read reports this year
Our most read report continues to be the State of Tax Justice 2023, followed by our timely report on Taxing extreme wealth: what countries around the world could gain from progressive wealth taxes and the newly released State of tax justice 2024 report.
Our most read pieces
This year we published 43 blogs and press releases. The most read was Countries can raise $2 trillion by copying Spain’s wealth tax, study finds, which highlighted our widely discussed report on wealth taxes. This was followed by our piece on our updated Corporate Tax Haven Index, Tax haven ranking: UK protects itself while keeping world defenceless to British tax havens; and coverage of the UN tax negotiations, including What happened at the first round of UN tax negotiations and what’s next? and our live rolling blog, Live: UN tax negotiations.
Here is the full list of our top 10 most read new pieces in 2024:
- Countries can raise $2 trillion by copying Spain’s wealth tax, study finds
- Tax haven ranking: UK protects itself while keeping world defenceless to British tax havens
- What happened at the first round of UN tax negotiations and what’s next?
- How “greenlaundering” conceals the full scale of fossil fuel financing
- 🔴Live: UN tax negotiations
- OECD tax reforms risk violating human rights law, UN experts warn in special intervention
- Countries ‘bash open’ door to historic tax reform at UN
- World losing half a trillion to tax abuse, largely due to 8 countries blocking UN tax reform, annual report finds /
- Wiki: How to tax the superrich (with pictures)
- Litany of failure: new briefing sets out OECD’s manifold shortcomings in international tax talks
Other pages our readers particularly loved in 2024
In the background, our frequently asked questions continued to remain popular, with the top spots being taken by “what is transfer pricing”, “is taxation theft”, “what is profit shifting”, “what is a tax haven”, and “what are the four r’s of tax justice”.
Our most viewed country profiles saw some surprising shifts, with Indonesia unexpectedly rising to the top spot, followed by Switzerland. The United Kingdom dropped to third place, while the Netherlands climbed to fourth. The United States rounded out the top five as our fifth most viewed country profile.
This year, we’ve created a range of popular and engaging infographics, including: Infographic: The extreme wealth of the superrich is making our economies insecure and Wiki: How to tax the superrich and a deep dive on one of the findings from our State of Tax Justice 2024 report, titled Did we really end offshore tax evasion?
A number of our cornerstone topics also saw significant interest:
In the areas of human rights and advocacy, our Climate Justice report How “greenlaundering” conceals the full scale of fossil fuel financing, received significant attention. Meanwhile our work on tax and education also attracted considerable interest, particularly with the release of Stolen Futures: Our new report on tax justice and the Right to Education
Lastly, our most read piece on beneficial ownership transparency The secrecy enablers strike back: weaponising privacy against transparency summarises our report on Privacy-Washing & Beneficial Ownership Transparency.
Happy reading, from all of us at the Tax Justice Network!
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