Jo Barratt ■ Tax Justice Network Arabic podcast #73: ملخص 2023
Welcome to the 73rd edition of our Arabic podcast/radio show Taxes Simply الجباية ببساطة contributing to tax justice public debate around the world. It’s produced and presented by Walid Ben Rhouma and is available on most podcast apps. Any radio station is welcome to broadcast it for free and websites are also welcome to share it. You can follow the programme on Facebook, on Twitter and on our website. All our podcasts are unique productions in five languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Portuguese. They’re all available here.
في العدد #73 من بودكاست الجباية ببساطة عدنا على أهم الأحداث الإقتصادية والإجتماعية في المنطقة العربية والعالم على إمتداد سنة 2023 زيادة على ملخص لأهم ما جاء في حلقاتنا للسنة ذاتها
In issue #73 of our Arabic podcast, we review the most important economic and social events in the Arab region and the world throughout 2023, plus a summary of the most important things from our episodes that year.
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