Naomi Fowler ■ Degrowth: liberation from ‘growthism’: the Tax Justice Network podcast, September 2021


Welcome to the latest episode of the Tax Justice Network’s monthly podcast, the Taxcast. You can subscribe either by emailing naomi [at] or find us on your podcast app.

In this episode, Naomi Fowler explores degrowth and how we liberate ourselves from ‘growthism’ with economic anthropologist Jason Hickel. (You can listen to Part 2 of that conversation here.)

Plus: there can be no liberation without tackling monopoly power, or the role of finance sectors and States, investing in death and destruction across the world.

The transcript is available here (some is automated and may not be 100% accurate)


Degrowth: liberation from ‘growthism’ #114

“We should seek to organise the economy around meeting human needs rather than around servicing elite consumption and capital accumulation. And that requires a pretty dramatic shift from sort of the status quo of our economic system.”

~ Jason Hickel

There’s no way we can build local resilience and sustainable economies when faced with monopoly players who can dominate markets and use their financial power to over-ride democracy through their lobbying.”

~ John Christensen

Further reading:

Here’s the Taxcast website with more Taxcasts: 

[Image: “Green Shoots” by velodenz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]

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