Liz Nelson ■ Women & Tax: can you help with this survey?


Liz Nelson coordinates our Tax Justice & Human Rights work and she’s undertaking research as part of Atlantic Fellowship for Social and Economic Equity Programme of which she is a 2019/20 Fellow. Can you help with her survey? She explains more:

I’m working on a project to understand women’s attitudes towards, and knowledge of tax and I’ve designed a short survey of eleven questions which takes about two or three minutes. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. No one will know who you are – it’s completely anonymous. The survey focuses on what tax means to you and to those you care about and it doesn’t matter if you know a lot, a little, or nothing.

I want to get a clearer picture of women’s understanding of tax and how they see it impacting on their lives. There are lots of words and technical language used to describe what tax is, what it does, why it matters. But its’s often difficult to grasp how it affects our lives on a day by day basis.

I specifically want to survey women over the age of eighteen years old, women from different backgrounds, women on low incomes or no income and those living on their own or caring for others.

An interview

The final question in the survey asks if you’d consider talking to me in more detail about your understanding of tax. The information I collect would be recorded but no one will be able identify you. I’d conduct the interview online.  I’ll provide you with instructions on how to set this up. You just need access to a computer, a lap top or a smartphone, using Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp, whatever works best for you.

I know many people are under a lot pressure and facing multiple difficulties at the moment during the COVID pandemic. An interview is not for everyone. If you indicate you’d like to undertake the interview with me, you can change your mind at any time, it’s completely voluntary.

If you opt for an interview I’ll record it and would need your permission to do this. I’d then save the recorded interview on a password protected site.

If you would like to volunteer for an interview and English is not your first language let me know.

My survey is available here. Thanks for your help.

Image used above: “2019 International Women’s Day March in Rio de Janeiro” by CatComm | ComCat | RioOnWatch is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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