Alex Cobham ■ Tax Justice Annual Conference 2017, 5-6 July: Final Programme

City, University of London, 5-6 July 2017
The Association for Accountancy & Business Affairs (AABA), City, University of London (CityPERC), and the Tax Justice Network (TJN), are delighted to confirm the programme for next week’s annual conference – the latest in an annual event series dating back to 2003. The events bring together researchers, academics, journalists, policy staff of civil society organisations, consultants and professionals, elected politicians and their researchers, government and international organisation officials. The purpose is to facilitate research, open-minded debate and discussion, and to generate ideas and proposals to inform and shape political initiatives and mobilisation.
Registration (last few places)
There is a small charge for attendance and refreshments during the two days. For more information contact: [email protected]
Final Programme
DAY ONE – 5 July 2017
08h30 – 09h00 Registration and coffee
09h00 – 09h30 Welcome, introductions and framing: Global tax justice at a crossroads
Anastasia Nesvetailova (Director, CITYPERC)
Alex Cobham (Chief Executive, Tax Justice Network)
09h30 – 11h00 Session One: Tax Justice for Human Rights
Chair: Kathleen Lahey (Queens University; Tax Justice Network)
Liz Nelson (Tax Justice Network) | Tax justice for women’s rights: After Colombia |
Sergio Chaparro Hernández (CESR) | Global Tax Justice: A human rights approach |
Frederik Heitmüller | ‘Our Tax System Should be…’ – Tracing the Evolution of Norms Guiding Tax Policy |
11h00 – 11h30 Coffee
11h30 – 13h00 Session Two: International Progress I
Chair: Naomi Fowler (Tax Justice Network)
Rasmus Corlin Christensen (Copenhagen Business School) | Professional Competition in Global Tax Reform: Tax Transparency in Global Wealth Chains |
Martin Hearson (LSE) | Transnational policy elites and the development of the international tax regime |
Tovony Randriamanalina (Madagascar Revenue Authority) | MNE profits’ allocation methodologies: how to make rules workable in developing countries? |
13h00 – 14h00 Lunch
14h00 – 15h30 Parallel Session Three:
- International Progress II
Chair: Andres Knobel (Tax Justice Network)
Celine Braumann (U. Wien)
| The Evil Brother: Rethinking Redistribution through Indirect Tax |
Wouter Lips; Dries Lesage (U. Ghent) | TADAT: Institutional |
Christoph Trautvetter | Topic: Evaluations of international progress since 2008, and the outlook today |
- Profit Shifting I
Chair: Sol Picciotto (BEPS Monitoring Group)
Mustapha Ndajiwo (FIRS) | E-commerce: Innovation or Disruption? A Conundrum for Tax Policy |
David Quentin (King’s/QMUL) | Unitary taxation by formulary apportionment of the entire value chain |
Alexandra Readhead (U. Oxford) | Legal and Institutional Responses to Profit Shifting by Mining Multinationals in South Africa, Zambia, and Tanzania |
15h30 – 16h00 Tea break
16h00 – 17h30 Session Four: Scale of Tax Injustice I
Chair: Alex Cobham (Tax Justice Network)
Maya Forstater (CGD) | Tax justice at a crossroads: Getting beyond the illicit financial flows big numbers |
Javier Garcia-Bernardo; Jan Fichtner; Eelke M. Heemskerk; Frank W. Takes (CORPNET) | Uncovering Offshore Financial Centers: Conduits and Sinks |
Petr Janský (Charles U., Prague) | Country-by-Country Reporting Data and Locations of European Banks’ Activities and Profits |
Evening, 7pm start: PREMIERE of documentary film: The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire
Followed by Q&A Panel
Frontline Club: SOLD OUT (All speakers, staff, and board members who confirmed their attendance have a place at the canapes and drinks reception starting at 6pm, followed by the film – we’re sorry that there are no more places available)
DAY TWO – 6 July 2017
08h50 – 09h00 Welcome to day two
Prem Sikka (AABA)
09h00 – 10h30 Session Five: The Race to the Bottom I
Chair: John Christensen (Tax Justice Network)
Saila N. Stausholm (Copenhagen Business School) | Give us a break: The impact of tax holidays on developing countries *not for citation* |
Henrique de Alencar (King’s) | Tax competition in R&D policies: how Patent Boxes in industrialized countries promote a race to the bottom |
Richard Murphy (City); Andrew Baker (SPERI) | Tax spillovers: a new framework |
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee / tea break
11h00 – 12h30 Session Six: Financial Secrecy I
Chair: Markus Meinzer (Tax Justice Network)
Moran Harari (Tax Justice Network) | A comprehensive review of the Financial Secrecy Index: Findings and implications for FSI 2018 |
Lauri Finér; Antti Tokola (U. Helsinki) | The revolution of automatic exchange of information: How is the information utilised and what are the impacts? |
Juan E. Valerdi (Universidad Nacional de La Plata de Argentina) | Blacklisting of ‘tax havens’ and evolution of policy approaches in 9 Latin American countries. Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, El Salvado, Peru, Nicaragua and Honduras |
12h30 – 13h30 Lunch
13h30 – 14h30 Parallel Session Seven:
- The Race to the Bottom II
Chair: George Turner (Tax Justice Network)
Rose Bridger (Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement) | Airport-linked special economic zones, aerotropolis projects and the race to the bottom |
Julius Otusanya (U. Lagos) | The Impact of Tax Dodging on Tax Justice in Developing Countries: Some Theory and Evidence |
Toby Quantrill (ChristianAid) | Tax Incentives: Money for Nothing? |
- Open Data for Tax Justice
Chair: Stephen Abbott Pugh (Open Knowledge International and #OD4TJ)
Hera Hussain and Zosia Sztykowski (OpenCorporates) | Open Ownership: A new project to create a Global Beneficial Ownership Register |
Anton Rühling (OpenOil) | Financial modelling for tax gap analysis |
14h30 – 15h30 Parallel Session Eight:
- Financial Secrecy II
Chair: Horiana Secara (Tax Justice Network)
Paul Beckett (Synceritas) | Beneficial Ownership of Companies – G20 High Level Principles – A Paper Tiger? |
Maximilian Heywood (TI) | Is the global anti-money laundering system fit for purpose? |
- Horizons
Chair: Cathy Cross (Tax Justice Network)
Paul Harnett; Laura Bannister (World Basic Income) | Taking Tax To The Global Level: Combining Southern Initiatives To Create A World Basic Income |
Henry Leveson-Gower (Promoting Economic Pluralism) | The 10 Years After [the crisis] Campaign, and Pluralist Economics |
Johan Langerock and Francis Weyzig (Oxfam Novib) | How Oxfam identified the world’s worst corporate tax havens |
15h30 – 16h00 Coffee / tea break
16h00 – 17h00 Session Nine: Panel debate: Tax transparency: Should corporate tax returns be public?
Moderator | Alex Cobham (Tax Justice Network) |
Presenter | Prem Sikka (AABA) |
Respondents | Hera Hussain (OpenCorporates) Krishen Mehta (Tax Justice Network) Richard Murphy (City) |
17h00 – 17h30 Closing session
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