Naomi Fowler ■ 10 Years after the Crash: building a reform agenda

In November 2008, the Queen apparently asked economists on a visit to the London School of Economics, ‘Why did no-one see it coming?’ Well, we’re approaching the ten year anniversary of the financial crash which wiped out Lehman Brothers, saw the first run on a UK bank (Northern Rock) in 150 years, and led to governments around the world bailing out global banking giants. The crash is still profoundly affecting our economies and our lives and we’re pleased to share with you an important series of events starting in September 2017 that will discuss and aim to address critical economic questions of our times ten years later – or to use the social media hashtag of the project – #10yearsafter. Among many questions they’ll be asking are what has changed, where we’re heading now, how we can make a fairer and more sustainable economic system, what lessons we should learn from the crash and what solutions we should be implementing.
Promoting Economic Pluralism advocates ‘economic pluralism in teaching, research and analysis to support better policies to tackle the major economic, social and environmental challenges we face.’ They’re working with the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) to bring together a wide variety of networks to participate in a range of events in September around the UK to reflect on the lessons ten years after the crash:
“On 14th September, it will be 10 years since the run on Northern Rock, the first run on a UK bank for about 150 years. This was the first high profile event that indicated the beginning of the process that lead to the near collapse of the international financial system, followed by the greatest depression since the 1930s. Clearly we are still seeing the after shocks. The last time this happened, we had the 2nd world war 10 years later. If we do not learn and act this time….
We believe that the lessons from that Crash have not been learnt and we need to build a movement for reform to a fairer, more sustainable and resilient economic system. These anniversaries provide the opportunity to get media attention, bring our issues to wider public attention and expand those who understand the need for economic reform.
Come join the debate and start the movement in September. More information and event booking at https://10yearsafterthecrash.com. Let’s not waste these crucial anniversaries.”
You can find a list of events here and there are other ways to join the conversation and get involved, including organising your own crash-related event:
“Change can only happen if as wide and diverse a range of people become involved in this process and bring their knowledge and experience to bear. It cannot be left to the experts. It is too important for that. Come along and discuss these issues with our network. Challenge their preconceptions. Comment on our blogs. Organise your own events. These events in September are only a starter. We intend to create a process of dialogue involving as wider range of people as possible on how we can design an economy that works for all. However to do this we need your financial support so please donate so we have the resources and capacity to build a true movement.
You can hold your own event in September about the issues raised that you think are important. This could be at the RSA with discounted rooms available, in other locations in London or anywhere in the UK or the world. You could design your own event or use our networks’ resources:
- Screen one of the planned RSA events locally including an interview with Alastair Darling on the failure of Northern Rock, Robert Peston on breaking the Northern Rock story and a panel discussion on inclusive growth – see here for how to do it
- Screen The Spider’s Web, Britain’s Second Empire: a brand new documentary film that investigates Britain’s secrecy jurisdictions and the City of London – see more information here
Register your planned event with us and we can offer:
- Promotion of your event on this website we are launching
- Widespread promotion via social media and newsletters supported by all organisations in the network
- Support in linking you up with other organisations and people that you might be able to work with including possible speakers
- The option of writing a guest blog to promote your event and organisation
All we expect from you is that you support the network by ensuring:
- The event is clearly linked to the issues raised by the Crash and you use our ’10 years after’ logo
- You and your organisation also create a link to and promote the 10 Years after the Crash website via social media, newsletters etc as far as practically possible”
Read more here and follow 10 Years After The Crash on twitter here.
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I have acted for international banks and accounting firms and have started a blog to dispel the misleading story of the causes of the 2008 Crisis that is still believed by the majority of American voters.
A new US online news source Rantt is republishing them. The current series explains how Trump’s Financial Choice Act surgically targets the very few sections of Dodd-Frank that are effective for controlling the banks. Here’s a link to the second in that series: “Making Recessions Great Again- Trump aims to Unleash the Wolves of Wall Street”.-https://rantt.com/makingrecessionsgreatagain-588815f44b65
If you find that this article gives a new insight into the causes and gives ways to control bank power, here’s a link to my blog: https://medium.com/me/stories/public