John Christensen ■ The Tax Justice Network’s November 2015 Taxcast

In the Tax Justice Network’s November 2015 Taxcast: Why is the City of London losing so much business to New York, Hong Kong and Singapore? Our conclusions are quite different from those of a British Bankers Association report on the subject. Listen to the Taxcast here.
Plus: the crazy UK-China nuclear power station deal: a sweetener for closer ties between the two nation’s financial sectors? One year after #LuxLeaks exposed some of the cosy tax deals being done between tax authorities and multinational corporations we ask how many more ‘illegal state aid’ deals might have been done? Plus we have a special focus on the results of the latest Financial Secrecy Index 2015 released this month: we look at the top ten worst offenders and ask what can be done about them.
‘If the EU doesn’t want the US to become the mega tax haven of the 21st century it should start taking serious action to bring the US back to the negotiation table’
~Markus Meinzer, Tax Justice Network.
“It’s easier to incorporate a shell company in the US than it is to get a driver’s licence or even a library card in many states”
~Clark Gascoigne, FACT Coalition
‘I can only imagine what is driving it [the UK-China nuclear deal] is this determination to put the City of London’s interests ahead of all of the UK’s interests, including security interests.’
~John Christensen, Tax Justice Network
Featuring: The Tax Justice Network’s Financial Secrecy Index research coordinator Markus Meinzer and Tax Justice Network director John Christensen, Deputy Director of the FACT Coalition Clark Gascoigne.
Produced and presented by @Naomi_Fowler for the Tax Justice Network. Also available on iTunes.
You can download from this link to listen anytime offline.
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