
Carolina Rodrigues Finette ■ Stolen futures: the impacts of tax injustice on the Right to Education

Tax justice reports
Tax justice reports

Stolen futures: the impacts of tax injustice on the Right to Education

Tax reforms on the international agenda can put 72 million children in school and plug the global teacher shortage

This report investigates how actions on tax can fundamentally reshape the financing of public education systems. It explores the potential impact of recovering revenue lost to tax abuse and implementing a wealth tax, focusing on reallocating 20% of the revenue from these measures towards supporting the right to education. Additionally, it assesses how both measures could help raise tax-to-GDP ratios by five percentage points and estimates the resulting additional revenue this increase could generate.

This report is co-funded by Education Out Loud and the TaxEd Alliance.

Education Out Loud is implemented by Oxfam Denmark and financed by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and supports civil society to become more active and influential in shaping education policy to better meet the needs of communities, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised.

The TaxEd Alliance brings together in partnership global tax justice and education actors to make a transformative breakthrough in the domestic financing of public education. ActionAid, the Global Alliance on Tax Justice (and regional networks Tax Justice Network Africa and Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia), the Tax Justice Network, Education International and the wider Global Campaign for Education movement is creating a strong civil society alliance at national, regional and global levels to advocate for and bring about commitments to increase the domestic financing of public education systems in a sustainable and progressive way.

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Additional content

Press release
Author’s blog
One-page briefing
Infographic: At a glance
Infographic: What if we collected the tax?