This submission summarises contextual information on how cross-border tax abuse by corporations and wealthy individuals jeopardises CEDAW-protected rights, and illustrates Cyprus’ particular contributions to this corrosive phenomenon through its financial secrecy laws and failure to implement rules on corporate reporting and taxation. In light of this information, the submitting organisation respectfully requests that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women include among the issues that Cyprus should address in relation to its eighth periodic report during the Committee’s 70th Session in July 2018, the impact of its financial secrecy and tax policies on the resources available for the fulfilment of women’s rights in Cyprus and other countries affected
by its laws.

Liz Nelson, Moran Harari, Kathleen Lahey ■ Cyprus – Submission to UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Cyprus – Submission to UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
This submission to CEDAW’s 70th session, held in Geneva from 2 – 20 July 2018, summarises how cross-border tax abuse by corporations and wealthy individuals jeopardises women’s rights, and illustrates Cyprus’ particular contributions to this corrosive phenomenon.