CERD submission: Racialised impacts of UK’s ‘second empire’

Tax justice reports
Tax justice reports

CERD submission: Racialised impacts of UK’s ‘second empire’

A new submission delivered to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination sets out the racist impacts of the UK’s ‘spider’s web’, which is the world’s largest facilitator of crossborder tax abuse.

Together with its network of crown dependencies and overseas territories, the United Kingdom represents the world’s largest facilitator of crossborder tax abuse. Indeed the UK’s ‘spider’s web’, as it is often known, was developed as a global system of economic extraction during the retreat of its formal colonial empire. A new submission delivered to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination sets out the deeply racialised impacts of this injustice, which prejudices the majority non-white countries of the Global South, and the pernicious role the UK is playing in seeking to hinder efforts at meaningful reform. The United Kingdom has emerged as a key blocker at the negotiations on a new Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation at the United Nations, an initiative brought forward by the Africa Group in an effort to address the historic and ongoing plunder of their economies due to massive levels of international tax abuse.