Naomi Fowler ■ A new vision for Europe amid the Brexit vortex: Tax Justice Network September 2019 podcast

In this month’s episode we discuss a new vision for Europe amid, or in spite of the Brexit vortex. Plus: Britain’s about to become the neighbour from hell, post-Brexit: how can the EU defend citizens from the race to the bottom between nations on tax and regulations precipitated by Britain’s destructive ‘Singapore-on-the-Thames’ model?
We speak to David Adler, DIEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement) Policy director and Green New Deal for Europe coordinator, and John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network. We also hear from economist Yanis Varoufakis, co-founder of DIEM25 and former Finance Minister of Greece.
Produced and presented by the Tax Justice Network’s Naomi Fowler.
Further reading (highly recommended) A New Vision for Europe.
We are facing a systemic crisis in Europe, and the one thing we have not done is to deal with it systematically. None of them are asking the question, what is going on in Europe? And what should we do with the architectural design, with economic and social policy at the level of Europe? ”
~ Yanis Varoufakis
the question is, is the EU reformable – well, we like to say the EU is not reformable, but it is transformable. We are for the EU and against this EU”
~ David Adler
With a harmonised approach, the rules of the market applied consistently, you flip the competition. It’s the companies that have to compete rather than the countries that have to compete”
~ John Christensen
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