Andres Knobel ■ Global Asset Registry workshop – 1-2 July, Paris: submit your paper

The Global Asset Registry workshop in Paris on July 1st and 2nd, 2019 is by invitation only. We will of course share the fruits of the workshop as we develop them further, but for now participation during Day 1 is open to anyone whose paper has been accepted.
You can submit your proposal and original, high-quality papers to present at the Global Asset Registry workshop using this online form.
Please send these by May 15, 2019 on the following issues to be discussed on Day 1:
- What would the ideal Global Asset Registry look like, long-term? (be creative, think big)
- What registries on hard assets (real estate, art, gold, etc) do we have and what could be improved? How much information do they register and disclose on beneficial owners?
- What registries on intangibles (securities, crypto-currencies) do we have and what could be improved? How much information do they register and disclose on beneficial owners?
- Publicity vs confidentiality: who should have access to the GAR information? Should it depend on whether the owner is a public figure? Should aggregate data (a person’s total wealth) be public?
- What would the Global Asset Registry be useful for?
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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