John Christensen ■ Just how do you change the world?

The Greatest Invention: Tax and the Campaign for a Just Society
Foreword by John Christensen
Experts wanted for hazardous mission. Small wages, fierce resistance, many years in the wilderness, constant pressure. November 10, 2003
Jeremy Corbyn’s victory in the Labour leadership elections in the UK and Bernie Sanders’ barn-storming campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in the U.S. have brought economic justice into the very centre of political debate in the English-speaking world. Ideas that once seemed marginal are now becoming part of a new common sense.
Since 2003 the Tax Justice Nework has been analysing the offshore system and the global economy on which it depends. Its members around the world have been developing both a critique of the current order (Treasure Islands, The Price of Offshore) and a programme of reform (automatic information exchange, country-by-country reporting). Working on a shoestring, they can claim to belong to one of this century’s most influential NGOs.
To order a copy of The Greatest Invention: Tax and the Campaign for a Just Society, visit commonwealth-publishing.com. The book is available as an ebook and paperback direct from the site. It can also be found at a
number of online retailers.
Just how do you change the world? Some of the answers are here.
The Greatest Invention: Tax and the Campaign for a Just Society is released worldwide on September 24, 2015
ISBN: 978-0-9931616-3-6
216 x 140mm – £12.99 / $18.99 / €15.99
Contact Commonwealth publishing bulk orders, review copies, interviews, excerpts and features: [email protected] (UK) (0)7789 078188
Available Worldwide, $18.99 and $4.00 postage.
“Questions of taxation are important in themselves, and they also unlock wider fundamental debates about the nature of our society. TJN has been at the forefront of opening up such issues.” Doreen Massey, author of World City
“When big businesses and the rich avoid paying their fair share of tax, they cheat us all. The Tax Justice Network describes, in plain English, how they do it, what its consequences are and how to stop it. If you want a fair society, start reading here.” Richard Wilkinson, co-author of The Spirit Level
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