Nick Shaxson ■ Global Week of Action for #TaxJustice, June 16-23, 2015.
The Global Week of Action for #TaxJustice, which will take place in June 16-23, 2015, aims to encourage and cross-promote diverse activities that are initiated across our tax justice communities, to increase public pressure on governments across the world. Members and allies of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), a sister organisation of ours (which originally emerged from TJN and is now a separate organisation) are kindly invited to join this initiative and organise or participate in activities in their countries.
The Global Alliance for Tax Justice and its regional members are working with Oxfam, ActionAid, Christian Aid, Public Services International and any other interested partners to coordinate country-level actions and make this Global Week of Action a reality.
The proposal is to begin with an FfD action in New York on June 16, hold diverse activities around the globe through the week, and conclude with a series of public actions on World Public Services Day on June 23. Activities may include film screenings, meeting with government leaders, participating in the GATJ photo petition or any other creative ideas you might have.
If you are interested in organizing or participating in activities in your country during this Global Week of Action for #TaxJustice, June 16-23, 2015, please contact GATJ Campaign + Communications Coordinator Teresa Marshall at [email protected] and Communications Officer Isabel Ortigosa at [email protected] for further information and campaign support.
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