Nick Shaxson ■ London protest on Dec 2 to end tax haven secrecy

From Christian Aid, via email (see also this Christian Aid / ActionAid poll (details here) showing that huge majorities think tax avoidance is wrong and that the UK government isn’t doing enough about it):
Tuesday 2 December: 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Christian Aid protest calling for end to tax haven secrecy
Outside Foreign and Commonwealth Office main building, King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH
A year after Britain’s tax havens agreed to consider the lifting the secrecy around who really owns the hundreds of thousands of companies they host, they have made alarmingly little progress.
Ministers from the Overseas Territories – which include the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda – start their annual conference in London at the FCO on Tuesday December 2.
Christian Aid campaigners wearing business suits and white masks will be outside as finance ministers arrive saying it is time to unmask who owns companies.
Further details from Andrew Hogg 0207 523 2058/ 07872 350534
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