Nick Shaxson ■ Offshore whistleblowers Deltour, Gibaud, nominated for Sakharov prize

From the European Parliament:
“Three whistle-blowers: Edward Snowden, a computer expert who worked as a contractor for the US National Security Agency and leaked details of its mass surveillance programmes to the press; Antoine Deltour, a former Price Waterhouse Coopers auditor who revealed secret tax rulings with multinational companies in Luxembourg to journalists; and Stéphanie Gibaud who uncovered tax evasion and money laundering by UBS AG.”
By way of background about this prestigious prize:
“The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European http://healthsavy.com/product/zithromax/ Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
We have have written about Deltour’s case of late; read more about Gibaud’s case here. An excerpt:
“I didn’t know that the information in my possession was sensitive. I turned to my superiors in the bank. They told me that I was tired, that I should take some holiday, that I didn’t have all the facts. . . They harassed me in order to break me.“
Good luck to ’em.
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to aguillan.monte., U4
I Angela Rosaria Barbosa Assis, although to interact institutions: ABRACCI, AMARRIBO, ETHOS, INESC, ARTICLE 19, MCCE, QUALICIDADE, DF Environmental Federation and others in Quisito Education acted only because the mothers gave up or Were killed When Threatened, vilified and persecuted like me and my strategy was:
– Provided with all the overwhelming evidence documented;
– Reposts crimes of educators and secretaries of These;
– Copies of condemnation of These education managers …
I handed the Committees Education and human rights of the Brazilian Congress and the Ministry of Education I charged position of politicians in Brazil up to get the Senate committee chaired by Senator Buarque Cristovan the BILL – PL 676/11 bypass the educational grant is framed in Law heinous crime. Victory !!!
Currently all the above mentioned Institutions are lobbying Congress for change in policy reform on the study presented by INESC – Mr. José Antonio Moroni, who avoided if reelect politicians. Forwarded the law of free form for the Congress the law of clean slate to political candidates had problems with law do not apply for and are pressing to be applied strictly.
Other isolated actions of Institutions and Participate in conferences to change, or add, or effective, or implement laws to Improve the quality of life and overseeing the public monetary recusos be applied to citizens of Those taxpayers are not diverted.
– Delegate of Health;
– Delegate of Cities;
– Delegate of Culture;
– Delegate of Social Control; IACC 2012 BRASILIA – BRAZIL
I Attended other conferences:
– Human Rights Rapporteur was;
– Racial Equality Promotion was part of the organizing committee work;
-public Safety;
– Mental Health;
– Social Assistance;
– Economic and Social Development (IPEA).
I’m getting the prize and the title of Commandeur because social These affirmative action in the city of Sao Paulo.