Nick Shaxson ■ Petition: Google, pay your taxes!

A petition, with over 100,000 signatures so far, begins like this.
“Google isn’t paying its taxes. The multi-billion dollar corporation has been under scrutiny for shifting using shell companies in Bermuda, Ireland and elsewhere to shelter at least $33 billion of revenue.
It’s the same old story of a corporation avoiding taxes to maximize short-term profits and CEO pay-outs, while ordinary people are left to foot the bill for critical services — our children’s schools, fire, police, teachers, roads and hospitals — which directly benefit the company.
This week Google’s shareholders are proposing a comprehensive tax policy at the shareholder meeting. If enough of us support them we could get Google to pay the $2 billion it owes in taxes around the world and ensure it complies with national laws that benefit Google’s customers, employees, suppliers and society as a whole.
Can you join Google’s brave shareholders and ask it to pay taxes?
This petition isn’t ours – but we think it’s well worth supporting. Please sign it, and spread as widely as you can.
Also See our new Take Action page here.
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Google, your employees love to live in nations where good quality services are provided – good roads, good hospitals, good schools, democratic government. Yet these things cost money. You should pay your taxes IN FULL to help maintain the quality of life in democratic nations.
I have deleted every attempt GOOGLE has made to get into my NEW laptop. I always used to use GOOGLE but have over the last five years come to despise the AMERICAN (ACCCH!!) consumerism way of dominating the World Wide Web!! – Snoop/Sell/Invade your computer…. while paying next to nothing in tax!! Come on Tim Burners Lee say something about the WWW is going!!
PS – I now use DUCK DUCK GO – it’s the equivalent GOOGLE search engine we all used to to enjoy – try them! Long may they carry on and may the DUCK DUCK do no evil and not rip us all off with unpaid taxes!!