Mario Cuenda Garcia

Research Fellow

Short bio

Mario Cuenda García earned his PhD in Economic History from the London School of Economics in 2023 and specialises in empirical research, focusing on Country-by-Country Reporting data and profit shifting estimates, as featured in the State of Tax Justice 2024. He works with over 25 macroeconomic datasets covering more than 190 countries and is currently developing research on global profit shifting and illicit financial flows. His findings have been presented at academic conferences and Illicit Financial Flows Expert Group Meetings. Beyond research, Mario actively contributes to policy discussions and capacity-building initiatives. He has led seminars on measuring illicit financial flows and profit shifting for government officials in Burkina Faso, Zambia, and Gabon. He has also represented the Tax Justice Network at high-level policy forums, including the European Commission’s Platform for Tax Good Governance, European Parliament events, and the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings.