Naomi Fowler ■ How we win: the Tax Justice Network podcast, January 2021

New year, new logo: our monthly podcast the Taxcast is entering its tenth year on the air and to celebrate we’ve got a new logo!
In this episode of the Tax Justice Network’s monthly podcast, the Taxcast:
- This month Naomi Fowler speaks to activist and writer Ben Phillips about how past struggles for justice were won and how we can win them again. We discuss valuable lessons he learned from living and working around the world which he writes about in his book How To Fight Inequality and why that fight needs you.
- Plus: Why is the Chinese economy so successful? Naomi discusses with John Christensen the rise of China and, unless they chuck shareholder capitalism, the continuing demise of the US and the UK.
- Transcript is available here (some has been transcribed using automation so may have small inaccuracies)
- Ben Phillips, activist and writer of How To Fight Inequality and why that fight needs you.
- John Christensen, Tax Justice Network
- Hosted and produced by Naomi Fowler of the Tax Justice Network.
If we on our side have every fact and every policy and the other side has all of the stories, the passion, the emotion, the excitement, then we’ll lose”
~Ben Phillips, author of How To Fight Inequality and why that fight needs you.
From where I’m sitting, this is the end of the line for Thatcherism and for shareholder capitalism, it’s made a tiny number of people, bankers and private equity people and mergers and acquisition specialists spectacularly rich in the past 40 years, but overall the development strategy has failed the vast majority of people in the United States and in Britain and in other countries that went down this route.”
~ John Christensen, Tax Justice Network
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