John Christensen ■ Comedian Russell Brand doorsteps Lord Rothermere over his non-dom status

Michael Winterbottom’s new film, starring Russell Brand and featuring us, gets its world premiere and goes on general release next week. Britain’s role as a tax haven features prominently, and in the following clip from the film Brand doorsteps Lord Rothermere, owner of the stridently anti-tax Daily Mail, about his non-dom status.
This blogger watched the film’s final cut last week and rates it as excellent. Well done to Michael and Russell for exposing the dishonesty of neo-liberal policies. The strap line says it all: “The Truth Is, We’ve Been Sold a Lie.”
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Pay your effing taxes or get the hell OUT!!! £4 BILLION WTF??
It never ceases to amaze me the out right refusal of the rich to pay their taxes . While the working class are given the shaft. We as a entity need to take back what is rightfully ours. Thanks to Russell Brand and Michael Winterbottom for not only bringing this to light but dragging it out for all the world to open up our eyes and take notice. These trust fund babies and families who inherit their wealth live high on the hog, while their workers struggle to keep food on their tables and a roof over their heads. It’s BLASPHEMOUS!!!!! Stand up for what’s right and take notice , don’t sit back and allow another day to pass without helping your fellow neighbor or mankind in general. God Bless us all. :-)
Thank you! It’s so refreshing to see the veil lifting. Knowledge is power, empowered people are difficult to manipulate and we all must believe in better. Change is the only guarantee in life so let’s all come together and make it happen for the good off all. #1tribe #blessings this revolution is happening.
Brilliant! Thanks Russell for speaking truth to power and always making us smile as you do. Revealing the true character of these callous elites, as well as the dertremental impacts of their actions, is truly a great service to the people of the UK, US, and the world. Cheers! BellyBounce!
That damn symbolism.
Daily mail with hundreds of SHUT UP BRAND YOU LOSER articles. Brand makes a complete cuntt out of the Daily Mail owner.
Well played Russell. Well played.